Posted 8 years ago
One of Poker updates. Played ~1h session today and won 6 BI Smile fun to play after quite some time. Its always nice to win.
Posted 8 years ago
What kind of god damn brag post is this?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: What kind of god damn brag post is this?

Quite boring without graph, I know.

Btw: is HM1 still working at Microgaming? I accidentally update my HM2 and my awesome crack stopped working Laugh So I played that session without HUD, which proves that you can run hot without HUD as well. Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Is HM1 still working at all?

Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Is HM1 still working at all?

Good question. Thats why I switched to HM2 probably. haha
Posted 8 years ago
Just finished quick video from Kings day. Biggest Dutch party every year. This year we rent boat with people from the office. I must say. It was very nice evening.

Pokerwise: I played 2 sessions +1BI and -3BI.
Posted 8 years ago*
I am sick. So played couple of hours today during the day. I think it was 3h in total in two sessions. I won 8BI. Cash
Posted 8 years ago
Played 50min today and won 1BI. Climbing up Muscle
Posted 8 years ago
My favourite picture from Game of Throne season 6 so far. Sorry if you didn't see it yet, but is already Wednesday and internet is dark and full of spoilers.

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
mattusko: Just finished quick video from Kings day. Biggest Dutch party every year. This year we rent boat with people from the office. I must say. It was very nice evening.

Pokerwise: I played 2 sessions +1BI and -3BI.

Wow that looked amazing - maybe a bit to cold, wet and crowded for me but I imagine the atmosphere is just insane.

How many people end up in the water?
Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP unfortunately weather wasn't very nice this year, but much better compared to forecast. They predicted day full of storms, but at the end it rained only 15-20 min and there was sun from time to time as well Laugh

unfortunately nobody from our boat, it would be awesome to have it on camera... But I guess every year couple of people end in the canals Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Played a short session yesterday in the morning (we had a holidays here in Netherlands) and ended down 2 buy-ins.

Finally good weather came to Amsterdam and I am expecting guests tonight and they will stay over whole week. Means no poker couple of next days.
Posted 8 years ago
Enjoy your weekend buddy!
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Enjoy your weekend buddy!

Thanks! finally sunny, will spent whole weekend somewhere outside with the beer in hand Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Not a single hand of poker last days, but bought a new bike.
Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Not a single hand of poker since my last post...No time, no motivation to start it for 1h per week or so...

Because of lack of the time i did some sport betting, just because I want to gamble a bit. I bet mostly on tennis and won some money which i will give back to BV once EURO will start. I bet 5e that Slovakia will win Euro with odds 151... good value I think Smile

Also Pool is keeping me busy. Practicing twice per week for 5+ hours... not only playing games against other players, but I do drills which, is much more important if you want to progress faster. And I did huge step compared to 8 months ago.

As a team, (Royston Vasey Social Club) we finished season on 3rd place in our class. In MVP competition I finished 4th from 70 players. My 1st year and bets result from our team. Great start after 7 years break I had.

On Monday we will play 1st round of play-off for moving to higher class. I hope we can do it, but to be honest I would like stay in 2nd class for one more year to win cup for 1st place in class and also MVP of the year in our class.

Hopefully I would be able to post some poker status soon, but for now sorry for I couldn't. Smile
Posted 8 years ago
You actually spent cold hard cash on that bike? Think you have been to those mushroom cafes a bit too often mate! lol

Interesting you say about sports betting....just started grinding Draft Kings which I think you will love...check out the thread Here
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: You actually spent cold hard cash on that bike? Think you have been to those mushroom cafes a bit too often mate! lol

Interesting you say about sports betting....just started grinding Draft Kings which I think you will love...check out the thread Here

hehehe, yes, bike costs me 130e. I always wanted a bike like this one Smile Thanks for idea I will check it!
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh get involved man I have just put my first Euro 2016 drafts up so would like your opinions on them!
Posted 7 years ago
Hello everybody,

I am back (again). Last two months were hectic, so much happened I don't even know where to start. So I will post just couple of points you for you to have an idea.

Work related:
- I had 3 business trips to Spain. 2*La Coruna + 1*Barcelona.
- Got a minion (understand junior who I am teaching everything I know) This is super nice and harder than expected
- 100% of Our company was bought by ACCENTURE and we become part of accenture digital. web

Personal life related:
- The biggest change and huge step for me and my wife is that we BOUGHT an apartment in the centre of Amsterdam. Next step hopefully coming soon.
- I also started a challenge 5 days ago. I "stop" smoking weed. I am not quitting, but for now I am taking a break.
- I would like to also start paying a bit, by bit I mean ~1hour per day. I want to keep progress of playing and "smoking challenge".


Talk to you later again Wink