Posted 8 years ago
I've never played on Microgaming, so someone has stolen my name haha. Idk, I've never had positive experience with discussing hands on skype, except when I was playing NL5 and had no idea what was going on in every 2nd hand.

Meanwhile - I won 4 flips in a row + made this suck out, is it a sign from above that upswing is coming? I think I played it well, since I lose only to quads and set of 8's, and most rivers will kill action from 8X and 25% of time river will be an overcard to my J's, so gotta raise turn.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
5 Players

UTG Player7 $27.93
CO Player9 $50
D Player1 $130.12
SBHero $69.76
BB Player4 $55.54
5$0.75Hero is SBJJ
3 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, Player4 calls $1
Hero bets$1.50, Player4 raises to $3, Hero calls$1.50
Hero checks, Player4 bets $6, Hero raises to $16, Player4 goes all-in $51.04, Hero calls$35.04
2$111.08, 1 all-in 2
Final Pot$111.08
Hero shows JJ
Player4 shows 88

Hero wins$107.08 (net +$51.54)
Player4 lost $55.54
Posted 8 years ago
Fun hand. I got reads etc

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
3 Players

D Player2 $50
SBHero $53.34
BB Player9 $104.75
3$0.75Hero is SB67
Player2 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, Player9 calls $1
Hero bets$2.25, Player9 calls $2.25
Hero bets$4.85, Player9 calls $4.85
Hero checks, Player9 bets $12.90, Hero "I got 6. It's good?" *no answer* *Tanks till last second* calls$12.90
Final Pot$43
Hero shows 67
Player9 shows KJ

Hero wins$40.85 (net +$19.35)
Player9 lost $21.50
Posted 8 years ago
Bet the guy was tilting his nut off when you typed that in the chat...did he reply ever? Really nice call man Smile
Posted 8 years ago
You must have a great read to make that kind of call! WP
Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP He replied, but nothing hilarious as he's a reg. Probably just marked me as a spew fish (correctly).

@BarraBod Actually, if villain is betting river with his missed draws - FD's, gutters, calling off is only logical.

As 10k hand downswing continues, I'm having a day off tomorrow and also the evening today off. Gotta participate in some military training tomorrow 4am. Russians are coming you know.
Posted 8 years ago
Putin looking like a dog still makes me laugh.

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Posted 8 years ago
I do love a dog-a-like. Less politically relevant but:

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Posted 8 years ago
Putin one is good, looks like him! Second one, who? and doesn't look a thing like him lol (and don't insult boxers)
Posted 8 years ago
Its Ron Perlman. It looks loads like him! Its not the best picture of Ron but he has the Boxers jaw. Also Ron is the man so no insult to Boxers intended.
Branson is good too.

Sorry I'll stop derailing!Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Haha, dog faces, never expected to see them in my thread. I like the Putin one as well!
Back home, military training went well, went straight to it even without going to sleep and took only a 2h nap after it, so I won't play today even though it's just 7pm. Feeling much fresher already!
Posted 8 years ago
Just finally finished reading this mammoth thread, really enjoyable, you make it for a good read and look forward to continue following your success! I've being playing poker for a few years but only recently realised how much theory and thought goes into poker and don't just play the cards your dealt. Used to play tournies online, but recently switched to cash, I'm still a losing player, I'm a big fish and only play for fun when I can, but I really do enjoy playing and enjoy getting a better understanding for the game, and playing better and better, and one day would love to be a winnong, profitable player Smile

Just a question though, you say you study for an hour or so before you sit at the tables, what do you study and how do you go about it? Do you just go over your previous hands, if so, what do you do to analyse them? And anything else? I know you can't say much because you can't give your game away, but would love to know to help step my own game up abit... Cheers.
Posted 8 years ago
lankyross: Just finally finished reading this mammoth thread, really enjoyable, you make it for a good read and look forward to continue following your success! I've being playing poker for a few years but only recently realised how much theory and thought goes into poker and don't just play the cards your dealt. Used to play tournies online, but recently switched to cash, I'm still a losing player, I'm a big fish and only play for fun when I can, but I really do enjoy playing and enjoy getting a better understanding for the game, and playing better and better, and one day would love to be a winnong, profitable player Smile

Just a question though, you say you study for an hour or so before you sit at the tables, what do you study and how do you go about it? Do you just go over your previous hands, if so, what do you do to analyse them? And anything else? I know you can't say much because you can't give your game away, but would love to know to help step my own game up abit... Cheers.

Thanks for stepping in, I appreciate it!
Yeah, poker is tough and cruel game, but if you enjoy it - good for you! My view is that winning in very micros (NL2-10) should be relatively easy if you follow few simple guidelines. You can start with simply copy / paste opening ranges you can find in this site, copy / paste SB/ BB play from latest w34z3l articles (not sure they're good for below NL20 though).
I've been lacking study process lately. For some reason I find it very difficult to study at all while on downswing. I know it's retarded, but I just can't seem to absorb new information while on tilt / semi tilt state of mind. Anyone else having the same problem?

Lately I've been thinking to start some kind of budget coaching for BE / losing micro stakes players. This could be very refreshing for me as well as bring in at least some variance free income, and I know I can turn a micro losing player into a winning player pretty fast. Very raw idea, PM me if anybody would be interested.

Posted 8 years ago
Ahh thankyou for replying, since I'm starting to take poker a bit more seriously, I'm after every bit of information I can get my hands on, so thanks, obviously only just signed up to this site so will have a proper good scout about and find them articles you mention, cheers. Working constant 12 hour days atm so poker time and information hunting is limited, but I shall be finishing them soon, and have a good read of them articles.

It doesn't sound regarded about not studying when your on a downswing, I guess your less motivated on a downswing and is hard to kick things back into gear. Hopefully you'll get back there soon, and you'll be crushing again!
Posted 8 years ago
Finally! A winning day! +~6BI! Can it be, that my 10k hand and 16 BI downswing has came to an end?

Attached Image

Posted 8 years ago
Just lost the biggest loosing pot of my life. I'm upswinging, so kept cool. Back to 6 tabling as well.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
4 Players

CO Player9 $50
DHero $103.02
SB Player4 $84.95
BB Player6 $51.28
4$0.75Hero is BTNAA
Player9 raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $4.50, Player4 raises to $7.50, 1 fold, Player9 folds, Hero raises to $20, Player4 calls $12.50
Player4 checks, Hero bets$24, Player4 raises to $48, Hero goes all-in$83.02, Player4 calls $16.95
2$189.97, 1 all-in J
2$189.97, 1 all-in 9
Final Pot$189.97
Hero shows AA
Player4 shows QQ

Player4 wins $167.90 (net +$82.95)
Hero collects$36.14 (net -$66.88)
Player9 lost $1.50
Posted 8 years ago
I wouldn't be bothered about losing that pot to a flopped set, but not a runner runner straight!! As long as the rest of the day went OK!
Posted 8 years ago
lankyross: Ahh thankyou for replying, since I'm starting to take poker a bit more seriously, I'm after every bit of information I can get my hands on, so thanks, obviously only just signed up to this site so will have a proper good scout about and find them articles you mention, cheers. Working constant 12 hour days atm so poker time and information hunting is limited, but I shall be finishing them soon, and have a good read of them articles.

It doesn't sound regarded about not studying when your on a downswing, I guess your less motivated on a downswing and is hard to kick things back into gear. Hopefully you'll get back there soon, and you'll be crushing again!

Welcome to the site buddy! Some really nice questions and comments also.

BTW just to help you out you can view all our articles Here. We are releasing close to 1 per day so plenty of content to catch up on!
Posted 8 years ago
Thankyou @Jon-PokerVIP looks like a lot of great info there and will keep me busy for a while
Posted 8 years ago
I think today I made a new best score with hands per day. Almost 4.5k. ~10h play. Raked 175$, wtf #teamnorakeback

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player9 $22.80
UTG+1 Player1 $44.79
COHero $53.83
D Player4 $119.48
SB Player6 $50
BB Player7 $66.34
6$0.75Hero is COQQ
1 fold, Player1 calls $0.50, Hero raises to $2, 3 folds, Player1 calls $1.50
Player1 checks, Hero checks
Player1 bets $2.37, Hero calls$2.37
Player1 bets $9.49, Hero goes all-in$49.46, Player1 calls $30.93
Final Pot$99.37
Player1 shows 33
Hero shows QQ

Player1 wins $86.33 (net +$41.54)
Hero collects$18.08 (net -$35.75)
Posted 8 years ago
Here we go again. October is ass fuc**** me like a real mf! EV winnings approaching 1k, but 16 BI below EV. Just had super nice session, lost 5/5 flips w/ 55-66% equity, 2 pair over pair coolers. Lost both obv. Nevertheless kept A / A- gaming without any tilt.

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