The Tournament Fund......

Posted 8 years ago

About Me

I am a 28 year old average Joe born and raised in the UK, I am mainly a live MTT player with a pretty decent ROI%, I been playing online for a while now, Started playing just random tournaments here and there for a bit of fun never winning much at all,

2 months ago I started to get involved properly with online poker I started playing cash games at NL2, I started working with a coach last month and I was grinding NL2 FR tables 6 tables at a time and all seemed to be going well,....But Then... 25k hands ,a break even green line and a few UN repeatable swearwords later, I realised that grinding solely NL2 4-6 hours a day 6 days a week was completely destroying my sole,

I completely love the game of poker and I have played weeks on weeks of solid live tournaments but never felt the way I did after 2 months of grinding micro stakes cash, I think poker to me is pretty much what my working life is, I crave variety I couldn't do a job where I was standing in one place doing the same task all day everyday which is why I like my current(but not so well paid) job as a groundsman for a large shopping centre, one day I might be driving a road sweeper and cleaning car parks the next I could be jet washing entrances and walkways, no day is the same as the previous. ...and I love that , I guess im the same with poker when playing live I like a change in the type of tournaments I play, where I play them and the stakes I play at and so on.

SO..i have a new aim and objective I am not going to play one single game I am going to play 3 variations of cash, tournaments and SnG's, with my average Joe job and salary I am not in a position to constantly bankroll tournament after tournament knowing that it may be a while before actually cashing one so the plan is to play cash games to fund buy ins for SnG's and tournaments, it will also fund satellites into live events

How will it work

I currently have around $72 on pokerstars I will divide this into $50(25 buy ins) towards my cash game bankroll starting at NL2 and the other $22 or so that is left will be apart of my SnG and tournament fund

Any overall profit made from cash games will be split 50/50 so half will go to my cash game bankroll and the other half will go into my tournament fund

I also play a local pub poker league for a bit of fun costs me £3 a time but its pretty soft and with sometimes up to £45 up top (30 runners) its a decent little boost, I will put any profits from this towards my tournament fund

I will report each day/week on what cash sessions I have played, tournaments/sit n go's played and results and stats

I will also set myself some personal goals that will have an impact on the way I play, if im being honest a big part of my game is dealing with the mental side of poker which is why im reading this little piece of genius.
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Something which I definitely plan to do more is to post hands for review and get involved in discussions with other members about strategy's and hands as this is something ive never really done until recently , After adding a few players on Skype and realising how much it can help my game

So with further ado lets get this party started..well I actualy started it yesterday Smile so I will post them results up in the next post

thanks in advance for anyone reading this and please drop in and say hello

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
OK here are my results from yesterday , my pokerstars balance before starting was actually $64.97 so $50 was my cash game starting Roll and the other $14.97 was a start to my tournament fund

yesterday I played 1 short cash session NL2 Zoom on Pokerstars and a weekly freeroll on party poker, to begin I will play as many freerolls as possible to try and boost my quite low BR

Here's my results...

Cash Game results
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Tournament Results
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Starting Cash BR - $50
Starting Tournament Fund - $14.97
Total Starting BR - $64.97

New Cash BR - $53.05
New Tournament Fund - $24.72
Total New BR - $77.77
Posted 8 years ago
Well that's a good start! Yes

Is there a set amount, or minimum amount of tournament $s you are aiming for, or will you just use what you have after a specific time maybe?
Posted 8 years ago
Pwll: Well that's a good start! Yes

Is there a set amount, or minimum amount of tournament $s you are aiming for, or will you just use what you have after a specific time maybe?

Hi Pwll

No its a continuing roll so my tournament fund stands at $24.72 so I will play only micro tourneys the hot and bigger 0.55 and maybe the odd 1.10 and then $0.25 SnG's ...As I add more to my tourney fund via cash games and tournament winnings I can play bigger tournaments I will also add money to the fund via a local pub poker league game which I do quite well in so that will be a good boost plus I'm playing satellites as you will see from todays results so far I also play live MTT's but I'm keeping them separate to this unless I win $ from one I satelited in to online then I will add a percentage of any winnings to my Tournament Fund(BR)
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(The Hot $0/55 in the pic has no result as I'm currently still playing)

I know this is a pretty unorthodox approach by mixing games and dealing with the hassle of adjusting strategy's accordingly but I wanted to do something different and fun
Posted 8 years ago
SO for todays results
I played in a home game tonight hosted by poker strategy coach Vonki, it was a mix of cash tables and MTT but boy what a game the cash tables were I got owned by the biggest donk ive seen in a while lol KK 5 bet he flats and shoves on a 9 high flop for a gutshot with 10-8 ...and the rest is well ...History Smile

so to sum up a loss on the cash tables today but a small profit from tournament play as the pictures show below

Cash Results

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Tournament Fund

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Previous Cash BR - $53.05
Previous Tournament Fund - $24.72
Total Previous BR - $77.77

New Cash BR - $48.22(Down $4.83)
New Tournament Fund - $25.59(Up $0.87)
New Total BR - $73.81

Cant say I'm dis-pleased with the way I played today although nobody likes a loss on the Books, the 2 big hands that caused the loss I would play them same way if given the chance again

Good night guys and have a good weekend
Posted 8 years ago
Why don't you just deposit more and upper the stakes? 70$ in UK is what, like 1/2 day of work? Otherwise you gonna spend way too many hours battling micros before you get to the cheese Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Perhaps our hero just likes it this way, a challenge sort of thing. Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
MilfGrinder: Why don't you just deposit more and upper the stakes? 70$ in UK is what, like 1/2 day of work? Otherwise you gonna spend way too many hours battling micros before you get to the cheese ;)

This is not a source of income or a get rich quick scheme its a challenge I earn my "Cheese" from playing live poker and working a job I kind of like grinding the small micro tournaments I can have a bit of fun with them, I could deposit more from my live poker bankroll but that would be cheating the game ive only been grinding online 2 months I want to beat it from the bottom up:)
Posted 8 years ago
Todays Results

Today started out crazy I made a few judgemental errors and I was down almost 3 buy in's after 250 hands it took me a good while to recover from it,
As far as tournaments I only played 1 today(chromestar 10k freeroll) as I was more focused on getting myself out of the whole on the cash tables

I didn't cash in the tournament although I had fun playing it and the structure seemed okay

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Cash bankroll now stands at $50.17

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Going to be playing a tournament pack on Monday probably 6-8 tournaments so I will update soon ill wrap it up now as typing this and trying to watch the Spiderman movie at the same time isn't going well

See you soon guys thanks for stopping by