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Posted 6 years ago

Hi everybody,

I was Playing 2 NL and had a nice winrate (about 10bb per 100) so i stepped up to 5 NL. In the beginnin it all went well but after about 70.000 Hands I hit a downswing/tilt/badplay phase that crushed my roll.

Although I improved from 20$ to about 120$ (after the downswing) I decidet to start fresh on a new site and play the game with a slightly different strategy.

I will keep you informed about my progress.

Last Post 6 years ago by






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Posted 6 years ago
Welcome @FG_SpaceLord ! Great to see a new guy jump straight in with a new journey!

What site are you going to be playing on?
Posted 6 years ago

Welcome (again)! Looking forward to following this buddy! We are all here to help or just sit back and watch you win it all!
Posted 6 years ago
First days behind me
I started new on bet365 and hat a tremendous first session with 35bb/100 up.... (approx 100 hands) after a devastating second session and some normal ones I hold by 6BB/100 after 4444 hands on 0,02/0,04 NL.

I changed my playstyle from a more laggy approch (25/17) to a very taggy one. (19/15) My main target was to close the gap petween raising and calling. Up to now I am pretty happy with my success. Although I have to admit that the field is waaaaaaaay softer compared to my previous sites.

Areas of improvement:
Agression (my red line - even on VPIP=true - sucks)
Luck (over all 120k played i run about 30 buy ins under EV - now after 4k Hands I am back 3 buy ins)

Posted 6 years ago

maybe I should not have mentioned the luck-part in my previous post. What i have whitnessed in my last session is exeptionally cruel.

Yes i am whining about bad beats... but slowly it really gets frustrting... as i wrote above i am below EV nor since i startet and it gets worse and worse...

I think I played a decend session (although my frustration-passivity-tilt hit a bit) but atm I am questioning if the universe just does not want me to play...
Posted 6 years ago
Now i am down to -2 BB/100 after 6000 Hands.

you fild below my most notable hand from todays afternoon session... altough very frustrating in the end i think i played it quite good (disciplined at least)

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem iPoker
6 Players

UTG WHITTY271 $0.67
UTG+1Hero $5
CO mikesmum $5.31
D PARKO111 $6.65
BB MISURA365 $5.10
6$0.06Hero is UTG+177
1 fold, Hero raises to $0.08, 2 folds, PRASKACHEV calls $0.06, MISURA365 calls $0.04
PRASKACHEV checks, MISURA365 checks, Hero bets$0.12, PRASKACHEV calls $0.12, MISURA365 calls $0.12
PRASKACHEV checks, MISURA365 checks, Hero bets$0.30, PRASKACHEV calls $0.30, MISURA365 raises to $0.60, Hero raises to $2.70, PRASKACHEV calls $2.40, MISURA365 calls $2.10
PRASKACHEV bets $2.76, MISURA365 folds, Hero folds
Final Pot$11.46

PRASKACHEV wins $10.74 (net +$5.06)
MISURA365 lost $2.94
Hero lost$2.90
Posted 6 years ago*
well my eveningsession did not work either...

now down to -6bb on about 7.300 hands...

highlight-hand of the session:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem iPoker
6 Players

UTG+1Hero $5.13
D DrBringering $3.92
BB mambaraiser $5
6$0.06Hero is UTG+1JT
BINHOSCB calls $0.04, Hero raises to $0.12, BOHATAADAM raises to $0.20, 3 folds, BINHOSCB folds, Hero calls$0.08
Hero checks, BOHATAADAM bets $0.28, Hero calls$0.28
Hero checks, BOHATAADAM bets $0.36, Hero raises to $1.07, BOHATAADAM calls $0.71
Hero bets$2.68, BOHATAADAM goes all-in $2.65
Final Pot$8.53
Hero shows JT

BOHATAADAM wins $7.80 (net +$3.60)
Hero collects$0.03 (net -$4.20)
BINHOSCB lost $0.04

was the all in too spewy?
Posted 6 years ago
That last hand is fine. Sucks the board pairs but worse hands can call
Posted 6 years ago
Thanks for the feedback.

after a good night sleep i analyzed my style yesterday.

After all I just played very bad. I did not stick to my strategie at all. After I experienced some bad beats I treatet every player as if they would be the poker god. There was nearly no 3betting... hardly any agression at all as the obviously call me down and win with 42o against my 3bet AA or with 99 against my 4bet AA

As i mentioned the lack of agression is my biggest problem. And when I tilt I tend not to fire all my chips away in one stupid all-in, but to call preflop and then c/c c/c fold... so my red line sucks even more...

well after knowing what to do better i hope i can improve today and return to my profitable strategy
Posted 6 years ago
How do you find the Bet365 software? I hear the exclusive cash tables on there are pretty popular?

Did you sign up to them through us?
Posted 6 years ago
I registered my name but am am still unconfirmed Sad
Posted 6 years ago
Afternoonsession finished...

on the plus side:
played about 700 hands and my results are 9BB/100 plus.

on the negative side:
i am so unhappy with my red line. over all played hands (about 8300) my red line is -60€ . which is ok, as it is 23€ better compared to folding all hands. during this session i had a negative red line swing of about 10E (I was up by 4 and endet with -6) i start my sessions quite agressivly until a bigger bluff gets called down by a stupid (or genious) fish. Then i get passive again. Do I worry to much about this?

As always i will post a hand of the session. Should I reraise the river?
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem iPoker
6 Players

UTG poki21 $0.93
UTG+1 SuitedAcesAAAA $4.46
DHero $5
6$0.06Hero is BTNTA
poki21 calls $0.04, 1 fold, CLAUDIAERS calls $0.04, Hero raises to $0.22, 1 fold, KURKJIAN365 calls $0.18, poki21 calls $0.18, CLAUDIAERS calls $0.18
KURKJIAN365 checks, poki21 checks, CLAUDIAERS bets $0.20, Hero calls$0.20, KURKJIAN365 folds, poki21 calls $0.20
poki21 checks, CLAUDIAERS bets $0.14, Hero calls$0.14, poki21 calls $0.14
poki21 checks, CLAUDIAERS bets $0.38, Hero calls$0.38, poki21 goes all-in $0.37
Final Pot$3.05
Hero shows TA
poki21 shows 9A

Hero wins$2.80 (net +$1.86)
CLAUDIAERS lost $0.94
KURKJIAN365 lost $0.26
poki21 lost $0.93

Posted 6 years ago
So although I play plo now, I used to play nl100 with some success, enough to live of at least, and while I wouldn't claim to be nhle expert, the issue of whether to bluff or not, comes down to how you perceive your surroundings. By the sounds of it the micro games you are in are stationy and passive like most at that stake, as such you can adjust against the population, and against individuals as you learn their tendencies, tag them etc. This approach is not balanced, but at these stakes you don't need to be, so often the mindset when you find a fish is that you have to outplay them, as such you overadjust and start playing sub-optimal poker.

The way you outplay a fish, is by extracting value, in spots they cannot, by folding in spots they cannot, and by having better fundamentals, and being an overall better player, so if you find your bluffs are being called too frequently bluff less, and put more hands in your value betting range.

Hope that helps
Posted 6 years ago
Thanks Hedonhiney for your response...

the problem is not that I do overbluff, but more that I underbluff and overfold.

well in my todays afternoon session i played actually pretty well... unfortunatly I did not run very good (to be moderate) and therefore a good part of my roll is gone... (just filtering my AA all in EV shows that I actually should be break even) yes I really managed to be negative with AA....

I spend most time analyzing my hands atm and not playing, as playing is no fun at all at the moment. I hope i run better soon...

so next two hands... one just for "lookhowunluckyiamwhining" and the second in order to ask for your feedback

1. Bragging about bad beats:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem iPoker
6 Players

UTG iDiablo $6.13
UTG+1 kjelle55 $5.75
CO T3CHN00 $6.53
DHero $5.04
SB decapuss $4.74
BB SamanTaBzzz $7.66
6$0.06Hero is BTN66
1 fold, kjelle55 calls $0.04, T3CHN00 raises to $0.18, Hero calls$0.18, 2 folds, kjelle55 calls $0.14
kjelle55 checks, T3CHN00 checks, Hero bets$0.30, kjelle55 folds, T3CHN00 calls $0.30
T3CHN00 checks, Hero bets$0.84, T3CHN00 raises to $1.86, Hero calls$1.02
T3CHN00 bets $3.64, Hero goes all-in$2.70
Final Pot$11.26
T3CHN00 shows 45
Hero shows 66

T3CHN00 wins $10.40 (net +$4.42)
Hero lost$5.04
kjelle55 lost $0.18

second: what do you think of this play? can I get away of this hand or maybe reraise Flop or turn?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem iPoker
6 Players

UTGHero $6.22
UTG+1 Ananta3 $5
CO SamanTaBzzz $5.11
D iDiablo $7.22
SB kjelle55 $4.38
BB T3CHN00 $5.10
6$0.06Hero is UTGAA
Hero raises to $0.12, 1 fold, SamanTaBzzz calls $0.12, 1 fold, kjelle55 calls $0.10, 1 fold
kjelle55 checks, Hero checks, SamanTaBzzz bets $0.20, kjelle55 folds, Hero calls$0.20
Hero checks, SamanTaBzzz bets $0.40, Hero calls$0.40
Hero checks, SamanTaBzzz bets $0.80, Hero calls$0.80
Final Pot$3.20
Hero shows AA
SamanTaBzzz shows QT

SamanTaBzzz wins $2.94 (net +$1.42)
Hero lost$1.52
kjelle55 lost $0.14

Posted 6 years ago
Nice pot control on that last one, though I think you should be raising, at least on the river. Unless you have a RIDICULOUS read, I want to get it in, I want a 9 or other pocket pair to call, because they will. The time they have it, is far outweighed by the times they don't
Posted 6 years ago
@AshVIP Thanks for the feedback. The last hand is a good example of how timid i get after on or two missed bluffs or bad beats. I knew that i was only beat by a Tx hand but I also had the feeling that if he goes for 3 streets of value he is very weighted towards these hands....

anyway I played my night session and was slightly positiv (3BB/100).

For the next couple of days I try to shorten my sessions, as I see that my results deteriorate over time after a very good start. Hope this improves my results.
Posted 6 years ago
Hi everybody,

had a nice evening session today, up 18BB/100 after 505 hands.

nothing really fancy happened...

as follows my most memorable hand of the evening

my resoning: as he cold called a 3bet pot could not have that many flush-combos. I kept my range uncapped because i bet the As. so i can have all AK, and KsQs and AA for value. As i have a K he is more unlikely to have AK. As i have the Qs he cannot have KsQs and i dont think KsJs would call a 3bet OOP.
secondly playertype: HM marked him as mousy, and he only goes to showdown 20%. I know that it worked in this instance, but is my thoughtprocess right and it would work most of the time?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem iPoker
5 Players

CO SamanTaBzzz $5
DHero $6
SB T3CHN00 $5.02
BB HICS88 $5.56
5$0.06Hero is BTNKQ
1 fold, SamanTaBzzz raises to $0.12, Hero raises to $0.42, 1 fold, HICS88 calls $0.38, SamanTaBzzz folds
HICS88 checks, Hero bets$0.68, HICS88 calls $0.68
HICS88 checks, Hero bets$1.17, HICS88 calls $1.17
HICS88 checks, Hero bets$3.73, HICS88 folds
Final Pot$8.41

Hero wins$8.02 (net +$2.02)
SamanTaBzzz lost $0.12
HICS88 lost $2.31

my resoning: as he cold called a 3bet pot could not have that many flush-combos. I kept my range uncapped because i bet the As. so i can have all AK, and KsQs and AA for value. As i have a K he is more unlikely to have AK. As i have the Qs he cannot have KsQs and i dont think KsJs would call a 3bet OOP.
secondly playertype: HM marked him as mousy, and he only goes to showdown 20%. I know that it worked in this instance, but is my thoughtprocess right and it would work most of the time?
Posted 6 years ago
So far the adjustments work and I recouped €20. (stay at 5BB/100 atm after 11k hands, EV wise even better though slightly negative)

afternoon session was especially profitable with a whooping 47BB/100 after 500 hands. Although my All-In EV is negativ Smile
there were no massive hands. Just getting payed in sooo many occasions.

How my game improved: (apart from running good)
Stability: due to shortening my sessions to 2h max I keep fokused and keep thinking about more than just my hand strength
Agression: I managed to bet more on spots where my range is way stronger than Villians.
Non-Showdown: I managed to stay out of difficult spots (reduced chasing flushes and oestraighs) as well as improved my agression. Therefor my red line leveled. (just -3BB over the last 2k hands)

Most memorable hand of the session was fold that i might not have made some days ago:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem iPoker
5 Players

UTG SEVO77 $3.05
CO HICS88 $9.77
D 7Cosmo7 $5.38
SB T3CHN00 $5.23
BBHero $10.23
5$0.06Hero is BBTT
SEVO77 calls $0.04, HICS88 raises to $0.24, 2 folds, Hero calls$0.20, SEVO77 calls $0.20
Hero checks, SEVO77 checks, HICS88 bets $0.51, Hero calls$0.51, SEVO77 calls $0.51
Hero checks, SEVO77 bets $2.30, HICS88 goes all-in $9.02, Hero folds
2$13.59, 1 all-in 8
Final Pot$13.59
SEVO77 shows KK
HICS88 shows AA

SEVO77 wins $6.30 (net +$3.25)
HICS88 collects $6.72 (net -$3.05)
Hero lost$0.79

Posted 6 years ago
After a pokerfree weekend I am back at the tables.

Todays afternoon session went very very nice. It reminded me alot of friday. 66BB/100 up after 500 hands. this means that i am coming back close to be break even.

I played very cautiosly and probably did not take the most EV. As a result i missed out on 2 AA vs. QQ / JJ spots. I did not get my stacks in as i was to scared to lose again. In theses spots 4€ more would have been possible. But all in all I am very happy with this session.

-1,9 BB/100 after 11600 hands is not what i hoped for after my great start at Bet365, but given my results in week 2 I am happy to recoup most of my losses.

Regarding my red-line-problems: After lots of study, i figured that i had a different problem than i thought. In my latest posts here on the site i stated that I try to stay out of difficult spots. This was mostly true for turn/river action. But after looking over my best sessions red-line wise I found that i was too stationy regarding draws when I did not have the inniciative. Also I hugely overestimated implied odds. When hitting flushes you hardly ever get payed and some straight draws are also too obvious for even fish to miss them.

Therefore I only played these pots when addidional cards were extremly cheap and folded my weaker draws. On stronger draws increased agression and reraised more to gain initiative. Additionally I reduced my bluffs a little because there was now no need to agressivly push the red line up (because of fewer folding on later streets). This helped my blue line alot.

There is still so much to learn for me, but right now it feels like there is some progress!
Posted 6 years ago

After a horrible horrible start (lost 3 stacks within 200 hands) I managed to break even in the end.

I can keep my concentration up for longer sessions (this was planned)
I did not tilt Smile But my Flop CBet went down about 10% and therefore i did not keep the red line where it should be.
I hate to play for British Pounds

hand of the day:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem iPoker
4 Players

CO RJCUSS1511 $7.70
DHero $6.22
BB vivalasolo $0.89
4$0.06Hero is BTNKA
RJCUSS1511 raises to $0.12, Hero raises to $0.42, 2 folds, RJCUSS1511 raises to $0.80, Hero calls$0.38
RJCUSS1511 bets $1.76, Hero calls$1.76
RJCUSS1511 bets $1.40, Hero calls$1.40
RJCUSS1511 bets $3.74, Hero goes all-in$2.26
Final Pot$13.98
RJCUSS1511 shows JJ
Hero shows KA

Hero wins$11.46 (net +$5.24)
RJCUSS1511 collects $1.48 (net -$6.22)

is calling down on the long run a good option?

we chop AK
lose to AA, QQ
Winn againsg KK and JJ

It was his first 4 bet after several 100 hands... As i have AK it makes it less likely that he has AK and AA.