Posted 8 years ago
Nothing at all from the last 3. Only 14 left that I will be playing in. Hoping for at least 2 more top 4 spots, with hopefully another win before the end.

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Posted 8 years ago
I have missed like the last 7 or so now so I have possibly fucked my chances but I have just been to busy!

Going to pull my finger out and do some damage over these last 14!
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: I have missed like the last 7 or so now so I have possibly fucked my chances but I have just been to busy!

Going to pull my finger out and do some damage over these last 14!

You never know what can happen!
Posted 8 years ago
There's a new leader and not much between the top 5. I've had my worst run in the league so far this week. Tilted me a bit, especially when I kept getting 3bet by the same villain last night and eventually shoved KTo out of frustration. WHY!?! Such a waste of potential points. Need to make the most of the low player pool in Ladbrokes tonight.

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Posted 8 years ago
Who the hell is THEVIKTOR?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Who the hell is THEVIKTOR?

God knows, came out of nowhere!
Posted 8 years ago
2nd and 5th tonight. It helps but it's not enough to win.

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Posted 8 years ago
First time at the top of the leaderboard Smile

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Doubt I'm still there really as there are a few tourneys that haven't been added and I know SAMELUCKBOXESONTOP got a third place at the weekend. Got to make this week count!
Posted 8 years ago
Wow. Played awful. Lost every hand hand I played except one where everyone folded pre. I lost a big hand with KK that I completely misplayed. I lost with QQ. Jammed 77, called by JJ, and out. Worst start to the week possible. So much for not drinking tonight...
Posted 8 years ago
Ha feeling the pressure?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Ha feeling the pressure?

To be honest I've had a bad couple of weeks, just managed to get results when I needed them.

Wed-Sat are where all my points come from so I'm ON IT!
Posted 8 years ago
Fastest exit yet. AK v AA on K63. Left me with 15bb, AT v KK and I'm out in 7mins. All going tits up in the final week (or so).
Posted 8 years ago
Man so gross last night brick the god damn world to go 2/6. Bust out 7th which does not impact or change my score AT ALL.

How can i brickkkkkkkkkkkk that hard god dammit. Hope Unibet goes smoother tonight.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm at a wedding tomorrow but still gonna be on Ladbrokes mobile for those points! Need to get back in the $100 prize spots since the new payouts
Posted 8 years ago*
@Jon-PokerVIP@killjoy1987 Have you seen this? WTF, did he not bind his screennames or something? Never gonna catch that score so I'm playing for 2nd now!

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Posted 8 years ago
Yeh think you nailed it with the screen binding! Unreal
Posted 8 years ago
I'm joining you guys for the Unibet timbey today, my Unibet tourney luckboxing streak must continue as I want that iPad. I'll play as 'BeGentleToMe', watch out! Wink
Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: I'm joining you guys for the Unibet timbey today, my Unibet tourney luckboxing streak must continue as I want that iPad. I'll play as 'BeGentleToMe', watch out! ;)

You're on my right Wink
Posted 8 years ago
I wonder if I can keep up opening every hand Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Overbet jamming 10 high is always fun Smile