Posted 8 years ago
BarraBod: Looks like the run good is continuing on Bwin.....I'm going to play there until the run bad starts, then I'll move back to 888 as this is my new trick in dodging variance (I know this doesn't make sense and you can't dodge variance, before someone starts Wink)

It makes perfect sense, or I'm just as crazy as you are. Rolling on the floor laughing
Posted 8 years ago

It makes perfect sense, or I'm just as crazy as you are. (rofl)

haha I'm honestly starting to believe it a small bit. I'm going to carry on doing it until I'm proven otherwise Laugh

The Atrful Variance dodger.
Posted 8 years ago
I only played a few hands today as its been a kind of no poker day, as I've only got a few days left off and the GF actually wants to spend some time with me It wasn't me!

Managed to squeeze a few hands in while the X factor was on....the only good thing about the dam show. Managed about a 0.5 bi win, at it was mostly thank to my favourite hand of the day!

Favourite hand:
Attached Image

The guy was a massive fish so I had no problem getting this is in. I could have probably bet the flop, but ah well.

GL all!
Posted 8 years ago
When you're dying to sleep but people at your table have these stats:

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The gf fell asleep early so I pulled out the laptop and managed 350 hands, but I think its safe to say the run good has came to an end!

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6.5 buy-ins down in 350 hands. 1 of those buy-ins was with the ego, thinking it was being out-played by everyone and getting overly aggressive. I lost 4 buy-ins to the usual QQ, AK stuff, and a couple more when I turned a FH and he rivered a better one, I turned a straight in another hand and he rivered a flush.

I just hope I don't go all the way back down to breakeven, like the last time!

I'll post my final graph on Tuesday before I board the plane back to Denmark!!
Posted 8 years ago
Ah the fish suckered you in! You were right to stay on as long as you was awake enough to concentrate but yeh man brutal downswing there. I am sure you won't go down to break even again and will turn this around. Want to make me a video to review?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Ah the fish suckered you in! You were right to stay on as long as you was awake enough to concentrate but yeh man brutal downswing there. I am sure you won't go down to break even again and will turn this around. Want to make me a video to review?

I've been wondering when the best time to get a video review is. Before I move up or after.

Do you think I should make one at 20/25 to see how I do at that limit?
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh man i am happy with either. Nudge me on Skype for the vid software and instructions
Posted 8 years ago
Ok cool Smile I think I'll do 10NL as I have HUD stats on villains which would make the video easier.


Well thats me back offshore after a VERY quick month. Managed to get a few things done in poker and I was happy with the results. I didn't get to play the last few days as I'm away from the family for a month so best to spend it with them....with some sneaky poker on the side Wink


I was very happy with the way I played, except a few days when I ran bad and played worse. I ran bad again towards the end but managed to keep my head in the game. Its amazing how much money you lose on tilt, and I feel I would be back to break even if I hadn't thought decisions through! The ego made its way back, as I felt I was being outplayed in some spots, when really, most the the time, they actually had it. Once I realised this, I folded, simple as that Smile

I managed 23K hands that month off. I was aiming for 30K, but its better than nothing! On 888 I ended up a slight winner because of the bonuses, I feel I should be in profit, hadn't I spewed away stack on tilt.

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On Bwin, i only managed just under 6K hands. It was going well until a downswing at the end, but it was the usual variance stuff which doesn't bother me as much. Still managed a profit and about €20 in bonuses from there.

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I now have a whole month to go through hands, read articles, watch videos and read a poker book!! I hope I'll come back at list a slightly better player Smile My main focus will be check/raising and BB defence.

GL at the tables all!
Posted 8 years ago
You do a full month offshore at a time? Is that normal? My mates who go offshore seem to only ever do 2 weeks on?

23k hands is solid buddy and probably more than i have played! So don't punish yourself over that. Make good use of your time studying as it will pay off massively!
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah I do month on/off. The boys on the oil rigs are usually 2 weeks on/off but I work on a ship, so we can be anything up to 6 months away! So 1 month isn't so bad in that respect Smile
Plus we are in and out of Denmark all the time so I can't complain. Plus, I'm tax free working out here Laugh

My next month off I'll set targets, see how that goes. There should be no reason for me to not hit 30K next time off. I'm glad it was a profitable month anyway. I'm looking forward to playing next time. If I can connect my phone to my laptop I'll be able to play some hands next time we're in port!
Posted 8 years ago*
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A happy first birthday to my poker journey Laugh

I named it Moving On Up and I thought thats exactly what I'd be doing when starting this blog, and that's not exactly went to plan Cheeky I started at 5NL and I'm only at 10NL, but will be playing 20NL next month. Not quite where I wanted to be but its progress. I feel I've improved A LOT in this past year, and I actually cringe at some of the things I did before, and I hope to do the same next year Smile Poker is a slow process but I really hope to be at 50NL when I next up date this with a 2 candle!

My only excuse is I can't play for half the year (yet) so that slows me down, but it does give me a lot of study time.

50NL by next year Wink GL everyone.

Posted 8 years ago
Funny how when I'm home I worry about my my poker graph, and at work I worry about this graph.

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The euro has crashed again. Not good news on payday when I need to convert euros to pound!

I have finally managed to tether my phone to my laptop. Now all I need is to get a Danish sim card next time we're in Port and I can squeeze a few hands while there. Which is better than nothing.
Posted 8 years ago*
Nothing new, the Euro's crashed more times than a learner driver in a demolition derby.

Good luck getting the games in, I expect it can get a bit frustrating sometimes. Oh and it would be nice to be an nl50 player, I'm trying to move up from the trenches but I hit a bit of a wall this month. I want to be at nl25 by the new year, so we'll see how that plan goes; we all know what happens to plans. Dull

I also like anon tables now. I play on BetVictor and the games are very loose but so much fun, although I've taken a bit longer to get the hang of them than I hoped for.

Bit of run good for you and maybe we'll see a graph of nl50 very soon! Yes
Posted 8 years ago
Life is a game of numbers, graphs and stats when you invest and play poker lol
Posted 8 years ago*
Glad to be back and ready to play!! First thing is first, I need to record my video for W34z3l to review Smile This should be interesting, as I'm sure he will make me look like a complete fish for the whole of PokerVip to see Cheeky I know I do that myself sometimes in the, Line check thread anyway It wasn't me!

I'll only be playing on 888 as the changes to Bwin don't suit me very well. I'll start off with 10NL to get some practice in before trying out 20NL for 20K hands.

4 weeks goals:
30K hands minimum
At least 20K at 20NL
Complain about kings at least 4 times

Not much in terms of goals, Playing 30K hands and being a small winner at 20NL will do me nicely.

I haven't got any life goals this time off as I'm hoping for a quiet leave. I am going to Aberdeen to see Kevin Bridges tonight tho and then I'll be at the Glasgow Whisky Festival on Saturday, so I think my poker playing will start off slow!!

A new thing I'm going to try tho, is to start eating weird stuff. I'll start easy with snails and then get a little more weird. I'll more than likely pussy out of this, but I may make a thread once the snails arrive, reviewing each insect/weird food.

GL at the tables all

Posted 8 years ago
You are going down the video review route with W34z3l? You recording a game then speaking through it with him?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: You are going down the video review route with W34z3l? You recording a game then speaking through it with him?

I'm not sure TBH. I just said I'd record a video as m internet isn't the best and I don't want anything happening live.

My move up hasn't went to plan:
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I've no idea why I'm folding so much. I've played 1k hands on regular and I'm breakeven (too small a sample). I've played the other part on 30NL speed and I'm losing all my money before showdown. I seem to be folding too much. This is of course a small sample, but I've made some very weird plays which make no sense.

My triple barrel bluff. I was playing my range but should have just gave up OTT when i have little equity. I was trying to fold out a ten.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.15/$0.30 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG klaraku51 $47.02
UTG+1 ActionSh $34.91
CO petushki777 $43.50
D epacper $31.55
SBHero $44.37
BB C4S1N0T1LT $36.64
6$0.45Hero is SBJA
2 folds, petushki777 raises to $0.75, 1 fold, Hero raises to $2.20, 1 fold, petushki777 calls $1.45
Hero bets$2.35, petushki777 calls $2.35
Hero bets$5, petushki777 calls $5
Hero bets$12, petushki777 goes all-in $33.95, Hero folds
Final Pot$65.35

petushki777 wins $63.18 (net +$19.68)
Hero lost$21.55

I feel I should have checked somewhere on this hand.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.15/$0.30 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG kineskic $70.67
UTG+1 stefkodbest $31.20
CO Restti $30.95
D BrewBon $30.30
SBHero $30
BB irishhustler $27.39
6$0.45Hero is SBJJ
3 folds, BrewBon raises to $0.67, Hero raises to $2.60, 1 fold, BrewBon calls $1.93
Hero bets$2.30, BrewBon calls $2.30
Hero bets$5, BrewBon calls $5
Hero bets$9, BrewBon raises to $20.40, Hero folds
Final Pot$49.50

BrewBon wins $47.60 (net +$17.30)
Hero lost$18.90

I don't have the nuts here, so the river jam doesn't make much sense. I was only getting value from sets. spewy:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.15/$0.30 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG kineskic $61.55
UTG+1 viv2013hall $32.03
CO smallmoney $16
D TheWorldFour $17.76
SB epacper $62.15
BBHero $30
6$0.45Hero is BBA2
1 fold, viv2013hall raises to $0.60, 3 folds, Hero calls$0.30
Hero checks, viv2013hall bets $0.30, Hero raises to $1.12, viv2013hall raises to $1.94, Hero calls$0.82
Hero bets$4, viv2013hall calls $4
Hero goes all-in$23.46, viv2013hall calls $23.46
Final Pot$60.15
Hero shows A2
viv2013hall shows 56

viv2013hall wins $57.15 (net +$27.15)
Hero lost$30

Going to take a rest as I hate the way I'm playing today.
Posted 8 years ago
Hey! I see you have posts in October at 10nl, and here you're playing 30nl. May I ask what bankroll you're at? It seems you're either over rolled for 10nl or taking tight brm shots at 30nl.
Posted 8 years ago*
dodger: Hey! I see you have posts in October at 10nl, and here you're playing 30nl. May I ask what bankroll you're at? It seems you're either over rolled for 10nl or taking tight brm shots at 30nl.

Hey. I'm not using BR management as much anymore. If I lose 10 buy-ins at 30NL or if I'm still losing after 20k hands I'll move back down. Money isn't a problem at these lower limits. But i have to admit, it will take some time getting used to, as losing 4 buy at 30NL is now $120 instead of $40 like it used to be lol

I'm going to go back down to 20NL and play the regular tables while only playing 1 speed table of 30NL from now on tho! Big swings on speed games.
Posted 8 years ago
I went over to Stars to send money to another player and decide to play 25NL zoom with the money I had over there. I have to admit, I loved it It wasn't me! I can actually use my HUD, as I can't on 888 speed tables. I played 1K hands 2 tabling before I even knew it! Because I'm running bad over on 888 I'll move to Stars for now, seen as I am the Artful Variance Dodger Wink