Posted 8 years ago
Sicko in the making!
Posted 8 years ago
You know that feeling when you flop a set (22-1010) and win a stack? Well, last time it happened to me was on 29th of October. Almost had a decent day, but dropped 3.5 BI in last session to leave me with massive 0.5 BI profit for the day $$$ !!! I'm down 375$ this month. yasyasyasss
Posted 8 years ago
lolololol this guy totally nailed the chat rant! A+ level!

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Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: lolololol this guy totally nailed the chat rant! A+ level!

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Lol what did you do to him?
Posted 8 years ago
Lol what did you do to him?

Nothing, really, he was talking shit to anyone who wasn't British. Everyone who's not British are terrorists he said Wink

Just finished my coaching session with w34z3l. I bought a 5 eur ebola quality headphones with microphone specially for it haha. He found quite a few leaks in my game which I can easily improve, mostly my BB play. He brought up some good lines as well. No idea when you guys will see the video, but this was my first ever coaching (and first time I actually talked poker outside forums / shitty microstake skype group years ago), so don't judge me too hard. Smile
Posted 8 years ago
If you scared him with your play, that would make you a terrorist. You brung the poker terror bro.

To an arachnaphobe all spiders are like ISIS. Or at least thats how my wife reacts.
Posted 8 years ago
oh wow that is dope to hear the video have been made and it will be released in the next 2 weeks.

Did you enjoy it? Would you go back for more?
Posted 8 years ago
First of all, it was very refreshing - like pressing 'restart' button on frozen PC. I've been off my A game for quite a while, but now I'm back on it.
I didn't get much sleep before it and was a bit nervous, so I'll sound retarded in it, but whatever haha.
There was quite a bit left in my DB to go over, so I'm doing my best to win another session, but competition seems way tougher this time - but I'll make it!
Posted 8 years ago
Lol I'm worried I'll sound slightly retarded in my video also Laugh don't know why I was nervous. I'm sure we will sound fine Sweating
Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: First of all, it was very refreshing - like pressing 'restart' button on frozen PC. I've been off my A game for quite a while, but now I'm back on it.
I didn't get much sleep before it and was a bit nervous, so I'll sound retarded in it, but whatever haha.
There was quite a bit left in my DB to go over, so I'm doing my best to win another session, but competition seems way tougher this time - but I'll make it!

haha yeh making videos is not as easy as it looks. It took me a good 10 or so to get over the fear and now i have no jitters making them or streaming.
Posted 8 years ago
BarraBod: Lol I'm worried I'll sound slightly retarded in my video also Laugh don't know why I was nervous. I'm sure we will sound fine (sweat)

ha looking forward to seeing it Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Sometimes poker can be so easy.. Not the biggest pot of my life, but it is the biggest profit from a single hand!

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player1 $51.53
UTG+1 Player2 $50
CO Player4 $51.17
DHero $65.02
SB Player7 $50
BB Player9 $63.10
6$0.75Hero is BTNKQ
1 fold, Player2 raises to $1.75, Player4 calls $1.75, Hero calls$1.75, Player7 calls $1.50, 1 fold
Player7 bets $4.72, Player2 calls $4.72, 1 fold, Hero raises to $14.50, Player7 goes all-in $48.25, Player2 calls $43.53, Hero calls$33.75
3$152.25, 1 all-in K
3$152.25, 1 all-in 3
Final Pot$152.25
Player2 shows AQ
Hero shows KQ
Player7 shows 45

Hero wins$148.25 (net +$98.25)
Player2 lost $50
Player4 lost $1.75
Player7 lost $50
Posted 8 years ago
Someone give him the chip funnel..
Posted 8 years ago
Easy game, easy life.
Posted 8 years ago
The running 67 would have been a funny chop!
Posted 8 years ago*
Month is over, time to look back at it.

I didn't play much. I was super tilted after Octobers 1k below EV. When I played, I was C gaming short sessions. Things changed around 20th or so, when I regained my mental strength and started to play fine poker again. I messed around SNAP poker / PLO /NL10 and below while I was on my semi-tilt mood. I did fine in my work limit thoug (NL50 regular). Ok, enough bs, lets look at numbers!

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Lines: (why do I always end up month with a horrid session? Like 4 in a row..)
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Bonus: TonyBet. No tracking there. Maybe 1k hands, maybe more, no idea. NL25/NL50, HU or 3 handed against regs with very few exceptions. I have skill superiority tho, so rake free games makes it ok.
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Sooo, I made ~440$ over ~23.5k hands. Could have been much worse.
Today I filtered my 6handed results for the first time.. lol sample, but... +11bb/100 EV adj. at NL50! And all the lines look very consistent (blue&red as well)! Why do I suck at speed poker?

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What makes me sad, is my results 4handed. The only format I'm losing. Just 15k hands there, but trend looks very bad - non sd winning makes same amount as it is in 6-handed format (in 3x more hands).
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Hopefully just variance, as I preform horrid in BU in just 3.7k hands.. I guess it's useless to even look at it over this sample.
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Many of you know, I already got 1h free coaching from w34z3l. I went pretty hard on 2nd edition of coaching competition, and hopefully I'll get to continue my DB review. I'm confident I finished in top2 and very likely I won, but I don't want to step ahead. (hint for those interested - I made 132 points before Jon's judgement, but I don't think I'll receive any extra).

December will be low volume again, maybe 15 days of work. The goal is to improve my game, so I won't focus on getting hands in. BB is my weakest spot, I lose way too much there, and it must be fixed!

NL50 population - I'll run over you like a crazy mf!

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Posted 8 years ago
Holy mfkin shit that graph when you filtered tells one hell of a story! You have just made a ton of morning fixing that leak wpwpwp

I think you may have won the 2nd competition looking at the results - blimey you went hard.

I skimmed the first video and looked like a great session. Glad the competitions are sick value for you Smile
Posted 8 years ago
But hey, I had a pair draw! Heart

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player7 $70.08
UTG+1 Player9 $51.20
CO Player1 $35.66
D Player2 $65.20
SB Player4 $50
BBHero $50
6$0.75Hero is BBJK
2 folds, Player1 calls $0.50, 1 fold, Player4 raises to $2, Hero raises to $6.50, Player1 calls $6, Player4 folds
Hero bets$8.50, Player1 calls $8.50
Hero bets$32, Player1 calls $20.66
Final Pot$84.66
Player1 shows 65
Hero shows JK

Hero wins$92.34 (net +$45.34)
Player1 lost $35.66
Player4 lost $2
Posted 8 years ago
Haha, oh shit. Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Dat king high value shove on the turn though. Lovely stuff. Heart