Posted 8 years ago
You have a blog as well.
Just noticed it , subscribed :).
Best of luck .
Posted 8 years ago
CrazyCookie: Yeah but the regs quitting you are probably the ones who don't have an edge on you therefore you can beat them. The regs who change their SN and play you have an immediate edge with stats and knowing your game before you figure theirs out. Honestly, changing SN for me is the BEST. I don't have any left over battles with regs, no one has notes on me for my leaks it is sooooo much higher EV than keeping your SN.

true ,but i cant see the edge at nl10/20 vs me being that big even if u have stats ,cause u never know if i am 8tabling or 2tabling ,huge difference. + plus i feel i can hold my own.
+ i can play shitload with fish when they opensit me( and a lot of even them who i have already tagged so no need to figure who is reg or who is not)
and it takes about 10-15 hands to figure out in what direction this villain is leaning
sry not really gto but it works

Well I'm playing 20nl/50nl without a HUD and think I have a clear edge over people who are not changing their SN through notes, knowing their general style, so someone with a HUD will be taking full advantage of that.

No they can't tell, but tbh no one is looking to see if you are 8 or 2 tabling anyway so that point is redundant! And, that point would still stand if you changed your SN so yeah not seeing this point at all!

You can do that by changing your SN just as easily or in annon tables

it can take 10-15 hands... but that still doesn't add to your point of not changing SN.

Not saying changing your name is GTO, what I'm saying is that by changing your name you instantly have an advantage over those who aren't as they have to figure out what you are doing all over again. if there are 3 players on my table who I know I need to use less brain power to know what to do to beat them. If I have 5 people I don't know then I use more brain power to figure them out and remember.

The people who are not changing their SN also appear to be ones with clear mental game issues with ego. They battle more, 3bet more and spew off more. It's clear they want to sit at the table with their image which includes their SN. I find that hilarious as if they did the same but changed their SN people would HATE playing against them as an unknown LAG who is actually pretty decent is probably what we all fear the most.
Posted 8 years ago
You described exactly what i think about those regs 3bet alot 4bet and shove almost any pair and cbet any two if they change their names would be a hell to play against then im glad they dont
Posted 8 years ago
@Sharky Hello and thanks for popping in!

@CrazyCookie Your point using less brain power makes sense. I remember nanonoko saying something along the lines of needing to use less effort let's him play at the top of his game for longer.

@FernandoCosta I hate playing those guys at any time, they're a nightmare for me and I usually move tables. I'm just not good enough yet is all and there're easier games for me out there for now. Fortunately I don't meet many of the better ones, mostly just the spewtards having dick swinging contests.

Not sure if I can match the 10 - 15 hands identifying like guys yet but I'm down to around 20 - 25 before I have a sensible grip of my opponents. When they're obvious of course it's sooner.

Truth is I don't know whether I have an 'edge' on nl20 or not, or if it's just our Lady Variance being nice to me; I just seem to be able to win so far is all but no real sample on which to base any conclusions. There doesn't seem to be a lot going on that's much better than nl10 anyway except the odd reg who outplays me so I suppose I can say I'm doing ok.
My biggest bugbear is getting enough tables sometimes, but I mix in some nl10 which just adds an element of entertainment because they're funny.

Posted 8 years ago
gl bro , i will soon move up to nl20 aswell , i'm running 10bb/100 + i think here on nl10 , you just need to adapt depending on the opponent , i would say there are like 4 kinds of players in nl10 for example , the bad regs ( usually calling stations both preflop and postflop , i usually 3bet and go for 3 streets ) , the aggro guys that i described over there , the nit regs ( usually 3bet alot but has a really low vpip pfr ), and the donks , and i play in a certain way depending against who i'm playing but basicaly the bad regs just go for value and they simply call every time , the aggros you gotta only 3bet/4bet with the nuts to avoid folding against their bluffs , the nitts you gotta play very aggro pf 4beting and 3betting a lot and if they call 1 cbet just give up , and the donks you gotta fold when they go too agressive , idk you but before adapting like that i used to lose money to the bad regs trying to bluff then because they are callingstations , and to the donks calling without a very good hand just because they play like 70/50 , those are my thoughts basicaly i think we need to understand their tendencies and adapt , with those things that i said i think we can describe like 90% of the player pool of nl10 .
Posted 8 years ago
We plod on buddy! One week to end the month on a massive high! GL
Posted 8 years ago
@FernandoCosta 10bb/100, damn that's some good going there buddy! I had a silly winrate there to so moved to nl20 just recently and it was going fine until - see below lol. Have lots of fun at nl20 anyway. Cool

@Jon-PokerVIP Yes it's all good and let's face it, I may have been 'favoured' just a tad lately.

Gonna watch nl50 vid on Unibet again, I do like the bossman's easy approach to the game and just having fun manner. I'm going to be 1/4 that good one day I've promised myself - even if it is only for just one day! Cheeky

In pokerish news the weekend warriors got me which is no surprise, just ran striaght into a wall. Anyway, I had an idea to change the way I play a little so took a break and dropped to nl4 with my last nl20 BI before stoploss, promptly ran into another brick wall, set over set and all that fun stuff.
Give up Mal, it's time to bin it when you can't beat up the nl4 regs - and your beer is getting warm ffs! So, I did.

Attached Image

Bit of a shame but not the total disaster it could have been. I tell ya, if the regs could value bet I'd have been sat out very quickly indeed; call my raise and chk/c three streets with a set gets a thank you card from my TPTK AKo.

Anyway, back in the groove today so far and plenty time to kick some butt before the month is out. Seems to be a theme, kick butt for three weeks then get butt kicked the fourth week! Doh!

I hope you ared a lot better than I did over the weekend everybody and had loads of fun seeing those ridonkulous showdowns. Party
Posted 8 years ago*
So, got a bit back today, about 20e. Actually it was a good day - until the set miners got me tonight I was up 50e. Meh, suck when you don't know they're playing 12/6 until it's too late. So many of them tonight I sat out fk it, no fun.

Got 5 days or so to do the forum comp and get some moneeez ready for cash out next month. Next month will be more work and less play, I want to get my game solid now, rather than 'just' be a nice winner.

Later everybody, it's wine - o - clock! Drink
Posted 8 years ago
Wow that graph is brutal but again positive attitude and just total experience can always turn these things around. Onwards and upwards.
Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP Well, onwards at least.

Now we have May starting I expect to run better than last month to make me feel like a boss for a bit, my ego could use the lift.

I'll post graphs for April etc but not much of a sample at nl20 yet after moving up. Games there are very pass the parcel a lot of the time int he day, but if I get up really early like 06:30 they very fun very quick. Wanna play at that time then prepare for the rollercoaster ride, some of these are seriousl gamblers!

April went pretty good apart from me adjusting very badly when I moved from nl10 to nl20. As my graph shows, I made the same mistake going from nl4 to nl10 to and got mashed. Imagine that, assuming I would have to play more poker, wtf was I thinking about! Doh!

I think nl20 will go just fine as well, I don't see a huge difference except some days the regs go berzerk with all that 3bet/4bet crap preflop and then get all calling station postflop. Other days are so passive I forget I'm on some tables altogether. Damn it's not hard to spot the multitablers who can't keep up is it; tick..tock...tick...tock...tick...check - and then the guy in the next seat chimes in; ...tick...tock...tick....oh fk this, wtf mate you'de just had 30 seconds! I'm out with the dog ffs, this is takin' the piss. Not much patience for those games as you may gather. Cheeky

So anyway, not a great sample yet but nl20 is ok. I can beat those guys I'm sure, if only I could more good games there.

I suppose I'll have to think of a goal or twelve for May to but no idea what yet. My overall aim is to reach nl50 standard of play, but as for actually getting to nl50, well, maybe if the Lady Variance is kind enough to let me be for a bit. Nl50, I've seen coaches play there! Cool

So, graphs, there ya go,


Attached Image


Attached Image

April Overall
Attached Image

Lifetime all stakes - From Jan 06/2016

Attached Image

Note the bitchslaps, dammit.

Going to watch the snooker today, I'd like Ding to win and the audience figures will probably be a world tv record anyway ouitside of the Olympics and World Cup footbal etc. Apparently 500 million watched him in the semis, he's like a pop start in China. If Marco Fu had got there 1/3 of the bloody world would have been watching tv today!

All 4 semi-finalists were nice people to.

You have a great May everybody.

Been told I'm not allowed to be a fish, so only class in here now Cheeky

Posted 8 years ago
Looks like an amazing month for me and I know you have been studying hard which is just awesome and guess what - it shows in the results.

20nl will go just fine and we will hit the 50nl target by the end of the year for sure!
Posted 8 years ago
Oooo wouldn't that be just awesome if i could do that! Yay, go me! Cash

Pokerwise, due to popular demand, the crushing part has been postponed for a few days, I've not been getting much to play, missing flops by so far I may as well be on another site, blah blah and all that yawn stuff ...
and then when I do ...

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG Player 1 $41.95BB
UTG+1 Player 2 $665.5BB
CO Player 3 $118.75BB
D Player 4 $101.15BB
SB Player 5 $119.3BB
BBHero $115.35BB
6$1.5BBHero is BB9J
1 fold, Player 2 raises to 2BB, Player 3 calls 2BB, 2 folds, Hero calls1BB
Hero checks, Player 2 checks, Player 3 checks
Hero checks, Player 2 checks, Player 3 checks
Hero bets5BB, Player folds, Player folds
Final Pot $11.5BB
Hero wins$11.2BB (net +$5.2BB)
Player 2 lost $2BB
Player 3 lost $2BB

Shame, they were aggro whales to; must have gone for a beer in this one.

The month isn't starting off too great but not losing much and playing ok so not bothered. I'm trying to get those over-aggro games sorted out, I think if I can get those I'll be fine, I can cope with the rest of the reggy stuff. Those games where a 3bet may as well be a limp and you will not be flatting a raise in these games in MP/CO unless you're trapping! Insane stuff, very frustrating sometimes when getting weaker parts of my range, but fun trying to get a handle on them nonetheless.

Also, having trouble getting to grips with combos but I can take my time there, not really needed very often at this limit even if they are useful for river bets/bluffs etc. I'll get there before I move up to nl50 ... I hope! Sweating

May Goals:

1. Give up drinking alcohol by the end of the month.
I have a big belly and put on loads of wieght and now my clothes don't fit anymore. This from a former decent athlete who weighed in at a mighty 9st 4lbs and 5ft 11in at his fittest and now is around 13.5st. My mate used to say when I stood in from of a window on a sunny day I looked like an X-Ray. Laugh

2. Get combos - at least the basics - committed to memory.
I tend to learn 5 things today and forget 3 tomorrow, so having to put some effort into this one.

3. Try to be able to play nl20 without prescribed ranges or HUD, play the table, play the opponents.
If it's good enough for my coach, it's more than good enough for me to at least try.

4. Be a little more agressive with preflop 3betting etc.
Been at nl20 long enough now after a feww weeks, so I should find this bit a cakewalk, we'll see, I'm naturally risk averse so it's a fight.

That should be enough to keep my brain cell occupied for now. Nothing spectacular, just grinding away bit by bit on improving.

Have fun people. Smile

Posted 8 years ago
9st 4lbs!! Thats crazy! I'm 5'11 and 11st which I think is skinny. But I'm only 27 so I'm sure it will catch up to me in the coming years My lips are sealed Why do people blame alcohol for everything, its the cure, not the problem Laugh

That hand Angry Nothing worse than hitting the big ones (VERY big ones) and no one else has a piece!

GL with the goals!
Posted 8 years ago
Haha @BarraBod it for sure is the cure! Keep at it mal #yolo
Posted 8 years ago
Week 1 in the bag, or should that be in the bin! Laugh Had a bit of a rocky start to May so I think I may cut out the manic games late at night for a bit until I get a little more competent.
I've come to the opinion that having 4tables of players who think 3.70e is a 3bet to a minraise - and getting called twice then min 4bet form the BB - is getting just a little too far into the realms of lunacy for the time being!
You look at these games and go 'Wow, free moneezz!' Oh ya bloody think so?! Need some serious rungood to beat these gamblers so they can wait a bit.

Can anyone smell a nit about? ...

Here's the graph of the first week, see if you look really really closely, you might just spot where I played late night/early morning. Laugh

Attached Image

Played my A-game yesterday and still lost a bit, but damn did i own those guys, it's so much more fun when you're in the zone, so much more. I'm not even sure what got me going but I was vocalizing their holdings so often I felt like a bossman again. Mostly it was that old chestnut focus, a much underused and overstated delusion at micros imo. My B-game cannot be described as focused; maybe one day, but definitely not yet, not even close.

Playing without a HUD is ok, just need to concentrate a little more early doors to tag the playing types so no probs there so far. It'll make me work on ranges and combos more now to nd I can cut out the BS stats over 50 hnads stuff. I think it'll make me a better player so when I add back in the stats later on look out.

That'll do it for now. Neither me nor mrs mal are very well lately but a nice weekend at the tables will improve my demeanour for sure!

Run good, play better, have a nice wekend.

Posted 8 years ago
Well that was fun while it lasted, back to nl10 for a bit. Had a bit of the wrong end of it ltely and made some mistakes along the way to.

Still, I'll be back at nl20 soon but I need a chill to get my mojo back and nl10 is just what the doctor ordered,

Spot the 'Can't bloody calculate how to put my buddy here all in preflop' mistake.

Loving the preflop flat!

$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG $70.5BB
UTG+1 $97BB
COHero $213.1BB
D $130BB
SB $120.5BB
BB $100BB
6$1.5BBHero is COKA
UTG raises to 18.2BB, 1 fold, Hero raises to 56.1BB, 3 folds, UTG calls 37.9BB
UTG goes all-in 14.4BB, Hero calls14.4BB
2$142.5BB, 1 all-in J
2$142.5BB, 1 all-in 8
Final Pot $142.5BB
UTG shows 32 Hero shows KA
UTG wins $139.5BB (net +$87.2BB)
Hero lost$70.5BB


I love it at nl10, it's just funny. Laugh

So I sat all day yesterday doing hand reading vids and articles then promptly went down 2BI trying it out by completely - and I really mean completely - getting it wrong. Six hours of study ffs. Angry
Thing is see Mal, all this fancy theory mallarkey is all well and good ya, but ya gots ta remember tu play as well init ya donkey! Doh!

Well I've got my 1K hands in today so I'll just do another 6 now.

Later gang, run better than me and try not to forget to play. Speechless

Posted 8 years ago
Ah such a shame but these things happen. We have taken a huge beating in the staking group this month and pretty much lost all of last months profit which is never fun to see. Seems the first week of each month we take such brutal losses Sad

Keep your head up and again just look back over everything and work harder than anyone else!
Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP yep, it's been a nasty start to the month and even dropping down a peg hasn't stopped the rot, my graph looks like it's crossed the event horizon. Seems when I do get a bashing I take a proper beating. Just brutal.

So, I have a plan to play a lot more hands this month as long as I don't hit stoploss too often of course. I'm still doing the hand reading thing and got two wrong yesterday.

This was versus a looser reg, don't bother about the opponent not folding pf they rarely do these days.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG Ermii $186.5BB
UTG+1Hero $111.8BB
CO Asmodai $105.9BB
D vejaset $105.5BB
SB lucky_river $100BB
6$1.5BBHero is UTG+1KA
1 fold, Hero raises to 3BB, 1 fold, vejaset raises to 10BB, 2 folds, Hero raises to 21.5BB, vejaset calls 14.5BB
Hero bets23BB, vejaset calls 23BB
Hero goes all-in64.3BB, vejaset goes all-in 58BB
2$218.8BB, 2 all-in 9
Final Pot $218.8BB
vejaset shows QQ Hero shows KA
vejaset wins $209.5BB (net +$114BB)
Hero lost$108.8BB

I put this one in equilab but I knew it was about 50:50 on the turn anyway and given the SPR < 1...

They could have what they had but I think the hand kinda plays itself? Feel free to take aim anybody, feel free.

So, that was me waiting for the blinds to come round to sit out already at stoploss. My bad, I shouldn't have been there; sit out straight away dammit! Angry

Mindset is strong and going through a tough patch has very little effect on me now, so I'm pleased with that given I've been used to crushing these limits for the last few months. Think I got that from the bossman and Komododragonjesus. Thank you guys, it rubbed off - eventually. Blush

My game is definitely good enough for these guys, so just got to put that volume in and keep working harder than everybody else is all. I can do that.

My dog will be so pleased.

So my ideas are,

Play more,
Study hand reading more,
Ffs run better!

Later all.

Posted 8 years ago
Ah that river is a right old kick in the balls
Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP I could have saved a lot of brainwork and just got you to write that sentence instead. Very succinctly put sir, nice job.

Well I used some of my winnings for the month and bought a Flopzilla licence, tried it out and got totally confused. I feel more hours coming on!

Pokerwise I'm still getting smashed alongside the others on the team apparently to. Shame, last month was so good to.
If we come out of this with less than a huge improvement though I'll be majorly surprised, the guys are working their little socks off to turn it round. Damn, I even spent money on it! Emo

Keep it no tilt, guys, no tilt and we'll do just fine.

Here's a good use for a comb in a tune.