Posted 8 years ago
What are we doing betting OTT with JJ???? He calls with batter or folds 0% equity, check it down! (11:40)
Posted 8 years ago
Ranges seem realllyyyyyyy inconsistent, you are 3b AJo now bb v BTN after not 3b AQo v him SB v CO... The AJo in bb can be a call and AQo in SB should be a 3b. also you are sometimes raising hands otb that are close, and a reg is in the bb and or SB but fold the same hands when fish are in the blinds
Posted 8 years ago
J9s, just give up OTF (12:30) you have nobequity to fall back on and 50% cbet will get very few folds.
Posted 8 years ago
88 why are we cbetting?! And again 50%, OK won't mention 50% again! But why are we betting?!?!
Posted 8 years ago
Also the note fit/fold... He folded on a j66 he could have 33, not a note to take with one hand and expiecslly not that one!
Posted 8 years ago
Gotta continue QTs otb 14:45, call or 3b but don't fold
Posted 8 years ago
Bad news is... This was a train wreck mate....

Good news is, you have some really simple fixes so should be easy to improve Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
@CrazyCookie thanks for the input sir, very kind of you.

I made a profit today for the first time this month so I wimped out after about 650 hands and 1.6BI just so I could sit and look at it. Doh! Oh and I didn't make one 1/2 pot bet in the whole session,not one - that was just for @CrazyCookie , you're office window is safe sir! Giggle

My favourite hand today was this,

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB5
UTGHero $100BB
CO $132.1BB
D $107BB
SB $103.4BB
BB $90.7BB
5$1.5BBHero is UTGAA
Hero raises to 3BB, CO raises to 9BB, BTN goes all-in 107BB, 1 fold, BB goes all-in 89.7BB, Hero goes all-in97BB, CO calls 98BB
4$405.2BB, 3 all-in 875
4$405.2BB, 3 all-in 3
4$405.2BB, 3 all-in 2
Final Pot $405.2BB
BTN shows AA BB shows 99 Hero shows AA CO shows QQ
BTN wins $208BB (net +$101BB)
Hero wins$194.2BB (net +$94.2BB)
BB lost $90.7BB
CO lost $98BB

I got so excited on the turn to.
Posted 8 years ago*
@colly191091 my apologies for the late reply. I played 6 tables to try getting a wider mixture of players as I wanted to try something out with bet sizes. A case of how low can I go and still get a fold when my opponent showed a tendency to be fit/fold. It worked fine but then of course I overdid it. Smile

My table selecting goes along the lines of loading up as many as I can find(I can see 9 clearly on my screen), sorting the wheat from the chaff until I get 6 good tables, then whittle those to 4. Often I find great games but within those games if I get a bad seat it costs me lots of money because a couple of loonytoons aggrotard regs on my left handcuff me and there're a lot of those guys about some days. I'll be back for them though, that's for sure.

While I wait for my bankroll to sort itself out, I think I'll go through CrazyCookies replies today and see what notes I can take and what I can learn from them. So very kind of you to do that for me, you must be busy enough.

Have a good day everybody, the sun is shining here. Sun

Posted 8 years ago
Played nl20 for only a few hands and my nut flush ran into rivered straightflush, a gutshot no less. So, having jumped into nl20 and got my arse handed me again for 1.5BI I played nl10 Blaze and got smashed for another bloody 2.XBI ... aaannnddd sit out.

Something has gone tits up and I'm not quite sure what yet. I know I'm tight and not always at my best, but nl10 ffs? My dog could beat that lot.
Anyway, I'm not going the 'I run bad and being so unlucky route.', fk that I play nl10/nl20 how the fk would I know if I was unlucky or not anyway? Tit.

Recommended movies

Just about the best Western ever:

I think what I might need is a rewind, I may just be trying to run before I can walk so I'll cut the crap and go commando (no frillies Smile ).

There's a promotion on Blaze so the whole world will turn up for that one, it should give me a huge hand count to get my freak on with.
There's no tracking and no hud and the players are either bonkers or pissed, a Welshman should fit right in then init.

Have a fun weekend everybody, I'll be playing 80 gazillion Blaze hands today and Saturday - and then? Well, beer - o - clock of course!
Posted 8 years ago
Like, I know how you feel and it of course can be varience, but from the video you posted I wouldn't say you were likely to be more than a break even player. Given that any negative varience will crush you and you will probably lose money 50% of months.

Best piece of advice is to go back the basics. You're trying to learn combo counting and balance, you do not need any if that at 10nl, nor 50nl! Nor 100nl yet! Bet when you have a strong value hand and when you have equity to booster your fold equity. Take stabs in boards you get high folds on and don't be afraid to check call twice with some mid strength hands.
Posted 8 years ago
The video I posted, I posted deliberately because it was just about as bad as I can get (I hope), I've been winning at around, oh, anywhere from 9-15bb rate for ages, but something has definitely gone wrong.
You could well be right in that the Lady variance has had her say, but I think I mentioned, it's more like me trying to run before I've got walking down pat.
So yes, I'm going to get my notes out and go back to painting by numbers until I get it sorted out. I would like to use the excuse most of us microfish, that the games are so loose and every hand is multiway it's impossible to not get unlucky blah blah blah boohoo, boohoo, but the fact is if I put a coach on those tables they'd be booking a trip to Vegas on the winnings from nl10; therefore, it's down to me.

And for your delectation here's 15 minutes of me 2-tabling Blaze10. It's even easier there than anon but you really need to doge those bullets. Unfortunately I lost Neo's Matrix coat and I don't do slow motion;

I will of course be Blazing the trail for the rest of the month so we'll see what I can do with it, at least I can start taking notes and marking the aggro regs etc.

I have naturally got the staking team in green as is standard for the genre. Cheeky

I hit the fkn goalie on the head twice with the football so far in the Blazing Cannon Promo and I think the crow or whatever the fk it is shit on my head. Even the spaceship wouldn't take me, it nicked the ball instead ffs.


Later all, keep it fun. Smile

Posted 8 years ago
So we're having a great time playing blaze and it seems to have motivated the guys to, so that has to be good.

Goodness knows how many hands I've put in but the Blaze promo runs until July 10 so plenty more to come yet. Oh and don't bother joining in, everybody's solid Cheeky

I'll see if I can put up a better entry later but for now here's the intro to the best poker movie ever,

Have fun.
Posted 8 years ago
Loving the blaze games and think they are the best thing to happen to us as a team in a very long time! How many tables do you play?
Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP I completely agree, especially for some of us.

I start with 2 usually but if they're especially good I add another 2 but only if I'm on my game. I take a break every 15-20 minutes to keep me fresh and don't have any software running so no track, no hud and no reviews. I hope you can count hands played really really fast! Laugh

Apparently I can have hand reviews for any of my hands that went to showdown if I run HM2 in the background so I'll give that a go.

Laters alligators.
Posted 8 years ago
Think that is pretty GTO
Posted 8 years ago
Oh no, not the GTO! Dammit I'll be going all politically correct to soon if I'm not careful.

It's a strange game when,
winning 3BI is consider an 'ok' day,
losing isn't even a contemplation, (yes I know it can/does and will happen)
a reg will pay off a 150bb+ shove with bottom two pair,
getting beat or outdrawn is so common it's a no reaction and move on moment,
people coldcall 4bets in SB with TQ soooted and call three streets with an underpair,
even as a mediocre winner you're so far ahead of the population you feel like a baws,

Welcome to multitabling at Blaze, it's wild and swingy as hell, it's great fun and by damn it's uber soft, sorry tough, I meant tough, everybody solid, no money here!

So it seems it's also fired up some enthusiasm in the staking team and they're having a ball and blasting it for infinity billion euros no less.
I have no idea how I'm doing with no tracking and I got rid of the cashier total and just play. I was in a bit of a hole at the start of the month as we know but I think I've scraped a few euros back by now, not a great lot, but a few.
I'm trying to organize it so I can pile in higher volume for the rest of the month so we'll see how that goes.

Run good and have fun, I'll leave you with my thought for the day ...

Posted 8 years ago
Yeh this is exactly what the team needed and really hoping they get another summer blaze promo set up to keep the momentum going.
Posted 8 years ago*
Been a bit break even-ish or a little down is feels like last couple of days, not really sure though, just feels like it. Meh, I'll take being a rakeback whore for a couple of days, beats getting poked in the eye with a pointy stick.

Games are insane, swings of 3 or 4BI up/down/up/down in one session aren't uncommon at all and you'll get stacked by such ridiculous stuff you just learn to ignore it all in the end, reload, start again.

The bossman was making a video about the BetVictor Blazing Cannon promo last night, so if you haven't seen how it works, here's Part One of the series. Check it out, he shows how to beat wild party atmosphere games which aren't perhaps as common to a lot of players these days, so lessons can be learned there - and of course they're just great fun. Party

Ok, over half way through the month now so it's time to put some higher volume in. A case of shit or get off the pan time.

Cover me, I'm going in ... Sweating

Posted 8 years ago
I love the micros first episode! Its epic but all kinda went down hill from there Sad
Are you on the staking team or are you just playing microgaming yourself??