NL10 AQs

Posted 8 years ago

Hey again.
In this hand I'm interested to see what people think the best line is from the flop onwards?
I feel preflop is fine as he has many 3bet bluffs we can dominate and plus our hand is nicely playable.
When this guy bets, there is over 3e in the pot.
Do you think we can go for a x/r call off? Or just call this bet?
Vs some pairs like JJ, TT we do well. And even vs KK we are never in horrible shape.

Svet8(SB) $10 - VP:34 PFR:24 AF:2.5 W:32|46 STL:55|66 3B:9|26 CB:60|45 N:6.74 Hands:845
doubtless(BB) $17.25 - VP:26 PFR:22 AF:3.0 W:27|43 STL:48|75 3B:12|39 CB:77|29 N:-17.85 Hands:853
Me(CO) $10
LMfK888(UTG) $13.13 - VP:13 PFR:10 AF:9.0 W:20|67 STL:37|92 3B:3|50 CB:80|100 N:8.51 Hands:173
Hasimba(BTN) $10 - VP:30 PFR:24 AF:1.5 W:27|64 STL:56|68 3B:15|75 CB:58|40 N:-26.17 Hands:314

Pre Flop: Me(CO) with [A,Q]
LMfK888(UTG) folds,
Me(CO) raises 0.30,
Hasimba(BTN) raises 0.90,
Svet8(SB) folds,
doubtless(BB) folds,
Me(CO) calls 0.60

Flop: (4,5,4)(2 players)
Pot - 1.95
Me(EP) checks,
Hasimba(BTN) bets 1.20,

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I think both options are fine, as you're ahead against 99-JJ I think and calling is also fine. In this spot I'd just be calling to keep their bluffs in. Turn I may check shove, donk or c-c depending on the card.

Posted 8 years ago
Both options are +EV and it's player dependent on which will be better.

I would generally look to try and get it in on the flop OOP as I'm not confident on check shoving the turn with only one card to come if villain is only barreling his pairs.

Check calling twice OOP is probably ok with the extra outs but what are you doing if an ace comes and he 3 barrels? If we're folding then our draw isn't as good as it looks. At least if we stack on the flop we're standing a chance of coming up against a worse flush draw and are not doing horrible versus much of his range.

Posted 8 years ago
I think OOP at this limit I slightly prefer raising though it's obviously very close and player dependent. The more likely the villain is to bluff here to more happy I am to call no matter my position in the hand.
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks guys, so what I'm learning is that, vs less bluffy players being oop we are leaning towards x/r and trying to get in on flops more often and be ahead most of the time equity-wise and by calling vs them we have them shut down more often when we make a hand and don't end up always seeing the last two cards? Though if opponent is more aggro/bluffy then we can just call more oop? Since we make more from their bluffs and maybe even be able to trap when we make a hand? Also IP in general do we look to call down vs both types of opponent or still opt to raise vs the tighter more honest guys? I'm just try to get a clear idea of the reasons we play how we do as a general thing. Thanks all.
Posted 8 years ago
Being OOP against this guy I would be 4 betting pre. Playing this OOP makes it harder to realise equity, and you will be lost a lot postflop. 4b pre makes it much easier to play. Were he in SB/BB I would be much more inclined to call as I can take it away on boards he doesnt like / barrel twice+
Posted 8 years ago
I don't like four betting here at all. We're turning AQs into a bluff if we do that and this hand is way to playable post flop to do that. VS a 15% 3betting range we are going to be in really good shape a lot and we want to make sure we keep all of his worse Ax in the hand.

On this type of flop the only real mistake you can do would be folding. I prefer calling here over raising for sure though, by raising he fold out all of his bluffs and avoid getting value when we do hit our hand and we will normally only end up getting it in when we are essentially flipping. If we take this line then we can't really consider folding if we hit any A or Q, and obviously not if a diamond comes in either.
Posted 8 years ago
This guy seems a busy bee, I'd flat preflop and call down flop and turn and not folding if I hit.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm probably too passive in general (actually scratch that I know I am) but I'm not 4betting pre and then like Pwll I'm calling to try and hit my equity. I've got loads of outs if I'm behind and think I'll get paid somewhat frequently. With NL10 players being stickier in general I'd lean towards a call. Vs several players I've got a few hands on then yeah I can see a raise being good.

In fact in the end it probably depends on what happened the last 2 or 3 times I raised! Like a fish, playing on the feelings.