NL10 AQs

Posted 8 years ago

Do you think we can check back vs a player like this with cards that can help us on turn? It not many hand but he's confirmed fish with possible spaz.
And as played is it worth calling the min raise? I just don't like being put in the chasing back-doors spot.

Player 1(SB) $10.05 - VP:13 PFR:13 AF: W: STL:50|100 3B:0| CB: N:-0.15 Hands:8
Player 2(BB) $12.36 - VP:85 PFR:0 AF:1.2 W:18|50 STL:0|0 3B:0| CB:|25 N:2.28 Hands:13
Me(CO) $10

Player 3(UTG) $7.56 - VP:38 PFR:23 AF:Inf. W:17|0 STL:0|67 3B:0| CB:67| N:-2.29 Hands:13
Player 4(MP) $10 - VP:8 PFR:0 AF: W:0| STL:0|100 3B:0| CB: N:-0.35 Hands:13
Player 6(BTN) $34.76 - VP:15 PFR:15 AF:Inf. W:25|100 STL:50| 3B:0| CB:0| N:1.83 Hands:13

Pre Flop: Me(CO) with [Ad,Qd]
Player 3(UTG) folds,
Player 4(MP) folds,
Me(CO) raises 0.25,
Player 6(BTN) folds,
Player 1(SB) folds,
Player 2(BB) calls 0.15

Flop: (9c,Ks,5d)(2 players)
Pot - 0.55
Player 2(BB) checks,
Me(LP) bets 0.30,
Player 2(BB) raises 0.60,

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Versus a confirmed spazzy player I would traise more preflop IP, maybe to 5x, or if called at 5x, 6x and so on. These are the guys that keep our coaches in burgers.
As played I would however, cbet smaller at say 0.20. Villain is unlikely to care about bet sizing anyway with those stats in a small pot.

I don't like that raise either but I'd peel one for the price and see what the rng spits out. Have you seen this move previously maybe?

As you said yourself, even though villain's aggression is low he can be spewy and could be trying to do whatever with whatever to click a new button for fun. Hard to tell sometimes with these guys, they can have top set just as easily as air.

So I call and see the turn anyway with my drawing hand, it's cheap enough.

Posted 8 years ago
I think your sizings are fine. Raising bigger would be ok, but it's not going to have much of an effect on your win rate.

I would just fold on the flop vs a guy that has never raised a hand pre. He's ultra passive and is unlikely to be bluffing.

You're right about starting off on a path of chasing backdoor draws. That won't end well! Somebody did a great analysis on 2+2 about what a min raise means, and the most clear pattern was that you will be forced to go to showdown a huge % of the time.