NL20 AQs on Guts

Posted 6 years ago

We are all folding here right?

I just thought on the flop I am blocking the sort of bluff raise and he probably has a set.
- I do not think he has the testicles to raise 89 here multi way but he is a solid player
- He could be trying to ISO the shorter stack who over called pre flop.
- its nearly a pot size raise (pot €5.70 before the raise)

On the river the chap that raised had pocket jacks.

* Christer - €20 Max [Hold'em] (0.10|0.20 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

** Dealing cards to traphunter: Qc, Ac
TrueAA folded
Modafinil folded
traphunter raised to €0.60
NumberFive called - €0.60
chasinpoker called - €0.50
flamewalker folded

** Dealing the flop: 10c, 7c, 4h
chasinpoker bet - €2
traphunter called - €2
NumberFive raised to €6.80
chasinpoker called - €4.80
traphunter folded

Last Post 6 years ago by






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Posted 6 years ago
Check the flop that way you can realize your EQ better
Posted 6 years ago*
You have enough EQ 3 ways to go a head and make the call here.
Posted 6 years ago
It doesn't exactly take large testicles to be raising open ended straight + flush draw so he can absolutely have those types of hands. I'm happy to see a turn here as in general we have really good implied odds when we improve and are closing the action. Pretty surprised to see JJ here though. Definitely worth noting that on villain and in these spots I'm pretty happy to just jam it in against him in future since we have a lot more equity than expected as his range is so much wider.
Posted 6 years ago*
Double posted by mistake, deleted.