Posted 8 years ago

Ok so I went down to 4nl this session after a cooler or two.
This player here seemed very tight with his raising range and I raised UTG, so alarm bells ringing a bit. Bit not big sample. Is my turn bet pointless?
I river the K and beat JJ with I seemed to put him on, but something seems off. I don't know if he raised JJ vs my UTG raise. So what hands am I against? AK at worst?

Player 3(SB) $5.27 - VP:36 PFR:11 AF:0.4 W:46|68 STL:40|33 3B:3|0 CB:33|46 N:3.16 Hands:110
Player 4(BB) $4.37 - VP:23 PFR:8 AF:7.5 W:27|50 STL:22|80 3B:0|100 CB:100|0 N:0.33 Hands:65
Me(UTG) $6.76
Player 6(MP) $4.11 - VP:27 PFR:18 AF:5.0 W:0| STL:0| 3B:20| CB: N:0.11 Hands:11
Player 1(CO) $3.26 - VP:41 PFR:2 AF:1.2 W:22|33 STL:0|78 3B:0|67 CB:100|50 N:-0.86 Hands:63
Player 2(BTN) $5.67 - VP:17 PFR:15 AF:6.0 W:27|50 STL:47|79 3B:15| CB:78| N:0.35 Hands:128

Pre Flop: Me(UTG) with [Ks,Ah]
Me(UTG) raises 0.12,
Player 6(MP) folds,
Player 1(CO) calls 0.12,
Player 2(BTN) folds,
Player 3(SB) raises 0.42,
Player 4(BB) folds,
Me(UTG) calls 0.32,
Player 1(CO) folds

Flop: (5h,Qc,Qs)(2 players)
Pot - 1.04
Player 3(SB) checks,
Me(LP) checks

Turn: 6h (2 players)
Pot - 1.04
Player 3(SB) checks,
Me(LP) bets 0.60,
Player 3(SB) calls 0.60

River: Kd (2 players)
Pot - 2.24
Player 3(SB) checks, Me?

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I like preflop and flop. Turn I'd prefer a check back. You're not getting better hands to fold and you're not getting value from worse by betting. Betting might deny equity from a hand like JTs if he 3bets that I don't think those hands have enough equity to warrant a bet against. If you're ever up against something like AJ then they have even less equity.

On the river I'd bet. It's unlikely you get called by too many worse hands but it's also nearly impossible for you to actually be behind. I'd bet small maybe 1/3 pot to see if I can get looked up by something light. If he raises the small bet then snapcall because your hand is fairly strong and his line makes no sense.
Posted 8 years ago
I think you played a good line.

On the river I'm happy to lead out, small for value. I would expect him to check JJ/TT type hands behind, but at least you give him the chance to make a mistake by betting.

I would expect him to bet the flop if he wants to bluff most of the time, so I think you're right about him having showdown value here a lot.

Posted 8 years ago
If villain is tight then betting turn serves no real purpose except , 'Oh I better try take it down, bet turn, bet river style', fair enough but I'd look for a scarier card than that blank. After we bet and villain calls we still have no real idea what's going on, does he have AA (on that board he could easily have them?) Does he have a Qx? No idea and being so passive he can have quads and you wouldn't know until the river. .
Actually I would have checked it down anyway v such a tight 3bettor in the SB, he ain't bluffing bro and just coz he checks down doesn't mean you are ahead even if you might be.

As played I check behind river anyway, he wont call TT/JJ, far too scared of the Q if he hasn't got one.

Nits 'R' us FTW! Nerdy
Posted 8 years ago*
Adit: looked at this again and I'd still do the same but take a small stab at the river, doesn't need to be much, a few bb will do the job. Smile
Posted 8 years ago
You dont have AA KK here so expect him to put you on 88 - JJ AK mabye AQ and some KQ so if he is playing your range the way he is it is likely he has AA / JJ some TT. He is passive also so don't be surprised if he shows up with a big hand here. He is less likely to bet for value and more likely to consider some value hands as showdown hands.

He would likely 3b AA be ahh crap Qx beats me check intending to call flop to keep in bluffs then deciding on the turn you don't have Qx and calling turn and river letting you bet worse.

The 33 3B:3 he has a 3b of 3% over 33 opportunities to 3b?