QQ ALL in pre flop

Posted 8 years ago

Was this overplayed, spewy??

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05Zoom No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

Blinds $0.02/$0.056
UTG Doomle $4.03
UTG+1 chessman1997 $15.65
CO VreditelL $8.76
DHero $6.23
SB JohnnyVHS $8.82
BB 5!VE $5.73
6$0.07Hero is BTNQQ
2 folds, VreditelL raises to $0.20, Hero raises to $0.45, 2 folds, VreditelL raises to $1.50, Hero calls$1.05
VreditelL bets $2.26, Hero goes all-in$4.73, VreditelL calls $2.47
2$12.53, 1 all-in T
2$12.53, 1 all-in 9
Final Pot $12.53
Hero shows two pair, Queens and Fives QQ VreditelL shows two pair, Aces and Fives AA
VreditelL wins $12.01 (net +$5.78)
Hero lost$6.23


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I don't like the sizing of your 3 bet preflop, u got confused of his 4 bb open i guess. In Zoom when you get 4 bet sometimes u find yourself in though spots with Q Q, You should think at 2 aspects here:- villain(if u got info on him or not???) - and the dynamic of positions that are involved in the pot.

You didn't told us nothing about villain.

This guys seems a bit weird only when u look at his opening size Just put a big note on him he opens strong with 4 bb.

I don't like your call here cause if he is 4 bet bluffing let's say he has 10 J s and the flop comes A x x or K x x what are u gonna do with your Q Q. And than if u think he is 4 bet bluffing you why u shove on him on flop? I don't like at all this play what are u expecting to be called by, let's say pocket JJ, 10,9 ,8 your best chance, but why shove against J J. If u think he has A K just call and and the same if u think he is bluffing.

I think you better shove preflop than playing like this postflop.
Posted 8 years ago
Personally I'd have just shoved this hand in pre flop than call and play a flop. Hard to play Axx or Kxx boards as pointed out above.

As played, the flop I would just call, it's super dry and by raising we only isolate the top of their range. I'd call flop and be calling any turn.
Posted 8 years ago
I think that going broke with this is fine vs. your average NL5 opponent, but I'd definitely choose a different 3bet sizing (0.55$ at the very least, most likely more given the limit) and I'd just 5bet shove over the top given the opportunity.
Posted 8 years ago
A 3 bet sizing of 55-60c would be more normal.

As played I don't mind 3 bet folding if the open is from earlier positions, but vs the CO I would just go with it pre. On the flop I don't mind the shove as villain 4 bet and AK will be a big part of his range and I would still expect him to call it off in a 4 bet pot quite often. AK also has about 25% equity vs QQ so I would prefer to charge him right away. Ok it's debatable if he even c bets AK here, but as it's 5NL and the players are quite unpredictable I would still stick with shoving.
Posted 8 years ago
3bet size is indeed wrong, but thinking back at the moment i played the hand, i was a little of by his 20c raise and that felt fishy, so maybe it was a lost hand from start.
Posted 8 years ago*
I'm not that experienced, but I would just call when you're on the button, then see the flop and call whatever he bets since you have an overpair.
If he still bets big on the turn you can be rather sure that he has a big hand (at least I find that people who bet big usually have it at this limit) and your QQ is prolly not going to be good and would just fold.

But like I said I'm not experienced enough but that is how I would of played this hand
Posted 8 years ago
3bet bigger, get in pre
Posted 8 years ago
super, thanks
Posted 8 years ago*
Ok in this spot here it's technically fine to do what everyone had said and 3bet and get it in vs 4bet. However that's vs players who play their ranges correctly. In 5nl Zoom when you get 4bet by an opponent who is OOP like this especially when they open UTG, MP, they don't love to show up with hands like JJ or lower, it's just a simple fact about how these micro games play. Yes there are fish and lots of value to be made, but when the money goes in PREFLOP and we don't know they are a fish, generally people at NL5z are overly tight about it. ALSO on top of that he made it 4x preflop, so it can't be a mistake to think that that means something so you could make a fold which I've started doing more for the reasons I've explained.

Though you can just play the 3bet GII line as everyone said and make a note he 4x CO, then 4bet OOP with AA. Again it's still a correct line.
Posted 8 years ago
ok, thanks for the feedback
Posted 8 years ago
Pre: As reiterated already your preflop threebet was too small. My standard is to 3x the opening raise when IP, however vs a 4x open this can be reduced but .45c is definitely too small. When we get 4bet I actually quite like flat calling with the intention of stacking off on any flop that does not contain a K or an A. This keeps in his unlikely bluffs and allows us to play much better vs AK, if he has AA/KK then it is not going to make a huge difference what we do.