NL10, AKs

Posted 9 years ago

I sometimes calls, sometimes 3-bet AKs in this spot. Is that ok?
On the turn I get checkraised pretty big. Should I sometimes check back this turn?

UTG: VPIP: 19, PFR: 11, 3B: 2, AF: 3,0, Hands: 114

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Posted 9 years ago
Pre flop is ok to flat vs nit UTG...but if u have behind fish or loose players 3bet is played I check fold OTT...I think u spewed there...
Posted 9 years ago
I would say the same. Pre is fine; i mostly 3bet but its good to mix it up - if you can post his UTG stats that'll make it more accurate to analyse. Don't mind floating. Don't mind stabbing... When player 3 raises its scary - Sets, 2Ps, maybe OPairs, Combos, and then SDs and worse FDs. If he folded and OR raised that little, i call because i think my Ace is live, as well as flush draw and there's value 4 da riva.
Posted 9 years ago
The flop is a fold with a person left behind, really don't have good enough equity to call and if the person behind raises, we've set money on fire.

The turn is a check, I don't see better hands folding or worse calling. Once raised, I'm folding, up against a set and if we hit our flush, don't think we're getting paid.

Posted 9 years ago
Preflop is fine. I'd just fold the flop with another player left to act. 3 way I'd expect UTG's cbetting range to be tighter than in a heads-up pot and you're also not closing the action so BB can raise and make you hate life.

If you get to turn just against UTG I think bet is good since he'll be check/folding a lot but with BB in the pot as well I'd check.The turn doesn't drastically change the state of the board so many hands that called flop should still continue and the 8x improves many hands like 98, 97, 87, 86, 88 which he'll have quite often. I don't expect to have much fold equity against him. On the other hand AKs should have a decent amount of equity in this situation so bluffing shouldn't be that bad especially if this is one of the only bluffs you'll have.
Posted 9 years ago
All looks perfect to me!