NL10 Jc9c

Posted 9 years ago

Anon v weak reg type.

So I go for the chk/r because this guy love to donk out v missed cbets, it happens all day generally anyway.

Anyway, misclick preflop, too small and turn needed to be bigger as well I think, I didnt set it up for a shove properly did I. The overbet may have worked in my favour though, nobody does that...

Turn: Total whiff, but now I think iut's good card to keep my story going - as long as villain doesn't have Kxc.

River: well I can give up or go for it, I got nothing but my story is strong so I go for it.

What do you think? he can fold a lot here that missed and even an eight will give it up a lot of the time to a shove. Obv not even trying to get a pair higher than 8s or a K to fold.



Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG Player 5 $120.8BB
UTG+1 Player 6 $101.5BB
CO Player 1 $315.7BB
D Player 2 $100.8BB
SBHero $100BB
BB Player 4 $235.3BB
6$1.5BBHero is SBJ9
4 folds, Hero raises to 2.5BB, Player 4 calls 2BB
Hero checks, Player 4 bets 3.5BB, Hero raises to 13BB, Player 4 calls 9.5BB
Hero bets16BB, Player 4 calls 16BB
Hero goes all-in68BB, Player folds
Final Pot $132BB
Hero shows J9
Hero wins$129BB (net +$29.5BB)
Player 4 lost $27.5BB

Last Post 9 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago
PF I make it 3.5X pre flop. We are not unhappy getting pealed with this hand but in a vacuum we should be trying to get more folds and give BB less of a price to peal.

Flop I think a check raise is fine and it is a good spot to have in our range.

Turn is pretty close but yeh seems fine with our equity and river is very close. I am really not sure what we rep here. Will see what a coach says.

Posted 9 years ago
Flop and turn line is fine, river I'm calling you with any 8x hand. Every draw missed and it's really hard for you to have a value hand that plays like this.

I guess it's fine against a weak-tight reg but you really don't want to make a habit of 3 barreling on boards that brick.
Posted 9 years ago
I don't think the bluff is to bad, but i believe the runout is not ideal for it. It really depends on what you do with the other parts of your range as if i like this bluff or not.
Posted 9 years ago
I think I like your line given the opponent description but it's super player dependant and as @trollord59 said it's very important what you do with the rest of your range in this situation.
Posted 9 years ago
I would appreciate a little explanation of what I should do with the rest of my range here becasue I don't inderstand what that means, if someone would be so kind.
I suppose my followup question shows I do not know what I'd do witht he rest of my rang ein this situation doesn't it. Smile

Otherwise tyvm as ever, just trying things out and learning every day.
Posted 9 years ago
In other worse Pwll, what do you do with over pairs, sets, top pair, two pair? If you take a similar line with enough of this range then it is fine. If you cbet all of those hands and only really x/r this and other fd then it isn't going to be great as our range kinda consists of only bluffs. Problem here is most players do the later and on this run out it kidna sucsk as most players begin to assume you have enough busted draws to hero 8x.

I personally cbet this board, I'll probably stick to my 60% size with this hand, btm set, two pair Over pairs then go bigger with top 2 sets, BDFD maybe my GS. OTT I would then continue with this hand about 75% pot along with my Kx fs I bet AA KK bottom set and checking my now 2nd pair hands along with a few weaker hands. Id bet the hand sI ebt big with OTF again near pot and OTR would over bet my boats and probably my QJ/JTbdfd blocking KJ/KQ/JJ Smile

That is what we mean by rest of your range Wink
Posted 9 years ago
At 10nl anonymous table does it matter what he does with the rest of his range?

Posted 9 years ago
In golf does it matter playing on a short easy course to still put your 100% focus into every shot? In a football game in a very low league team does it matter if you warm up before the game and prep properly? In a fairly easy school exam does it matter if you study then focus 100% in the exam?

In all of those you can get away with not doing those things, but your performance will be medioca at best and no better than the others in the same situation, you will not progress to play tougher golf courses, higher football leagues or do well in tougher exams. It is good practice to do these things and regardless of stake we are playing the same game.

At 10nl we may (will) construct our ranges differently to 100nl to exploit villain but we should still be thinking about our range. Largely so that we can be sure our play is +EV given x% of the time villain calls and losses or whatever the situation is.

Not saying you have to be good at this to beat 10nl, but it would be a lot easier to do so if you were and moving up would also be easier.

So in answer to does it matter, no if your aim is to be medioca at 10nl, probably no if you want to win some money but in terms of improving, moving up stakes then yeah it kinda does matter.
Posted 9 years ago*
Looks ok as a bluff as all the other draws missed too. Hard for opponent to show up with a higher pair than 8. You know... People are saying about it depends what you do with the other parts of your range. But how would the other players know what you do? It's an anon table and for players to exploit how you play every part of your range takes a big sample of stats. But I guess what would matter here is what players think of population tendencies. Also the player type you're dealing with. If you think he gives too much credit as some weak regs do then I don't mind this.
Posted 9 years ago*
@CrazyCookie Nice effort, thank you very much. I have much to learn about this stuff as allI do is exploit at the moment. I know I'm winning easily enough but I also know I'm not a good player by a long way yet.

Thanks again everybody, much appreciated as always.
Posted 9 years ago
If we think players think we're usually buffing in this spot with draws and we only play the flop this way with our draws then of course we want to balance it with value hands such as sets. I guess it's something we should be doing maybe slightly more with value if our opponents feel this line is bluff heavy slightly at these stakes.
Posted 9 years ago
It's not so much what our opponent thinks we can have, although that is obviously important, it's what we know we have. So if we take this line with only draws on the flop then we can potentially be exploited and therefore can be making a fairly big mistake. When we know that we take this line with sets, combo draws and maybe some weaker draws we know that by the river the player more likely to make a mistake is villain as he will be over folding/over calling on each street which we therefore exploit. If we know that our range is constructed in such a way that we can't make a mistake then the only way we are not making money is if villain plays pretty much perfectly and 10nl that isn't happening Wink

We can always construct our range to exploit villain, but we need to have a reason to do this. Eg if the population tendency is to bet here when checked to with wayyyy too wide a range we can exploit by check raising a polarized range putting pressure on his bluff catchers. IF players tend to check back a lot on this flop we want to bet more value combos OTF so we therefore can bet wider for value and include more bluffs. If they call a lot we will want to drop some bluff combos or double and triple barrel more. These are all exploitable and taking advantage of a population leak or a player leak, but we still want to be aware of our range so that we don't accidentally over bluff or under bluff. EG if we unconsciously only bet pot with our bluffs and we are not doing this to exploit a tendency then we can be exploited. Not saying we will be but often when we are able to be exploited in this kind of way, villain ends up playing ok anyway so at best it's slightly +EV and at worse we make a big mistake Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Think you cna have another like for that one, thank you again. Smile