NL5 A2s

Posted 8 years ago

Questions: Is limping okey here on BTN? When both players call flop raise I know at least one has to have a FD also but considering stack sizes I think it is fine to stacked in this spot. Comment please !

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Posted 8 years ago*
I just raise pre flop, if the SB/BB is half decent they will be raising such a large part of their range, both limpers are fish so let's isolate them now and play in position with a nice hand.

Flop looks good, turn we just need to check behind when our equity gets slashed. I don't see better hands folding or worse hands calling so our bet doesn't really achieve anything and it sucks if we get shoved on.
Posted 8 years ago
With multiple limpers I would limp behind with hands such as small pairs and 76s, and isolate with Axs KQo types. OOP I would be isolating extremely tight.

As played, I think I would just call the flop bets 5 way and take a passive line until we hit. Raising isn't bad though.

As played I think I would check behind the turn, maybe firing heads up would be ok, but multiway checking seems good.
Posted 8 years ago
I'd raise preflop first of all versus limpers, it's fun if nothing else!

I think I'd be torn between taking my usual aggressive line witha str and fl draw, but playing passive keeps more people in the pot with potentially worse draws than mine, so I may take that line here, given that multiway it's hard to get so many to fold and I have ace high after all with the worst kicker.

On the turn are we value betting or bluffing or for what reason? We are hardly value betting are we and these guys have shown little inclination to fold so far so I'd be checking the turn this time.

That's how I'd view this but heads up I'd probably bet the turn to.

GL Smile

Posted 8 years ago
You are deep and have position. I would prefer to limp as this retains stack depth at its maximum and allows us to peel float bluff call raise etc. It maximises what we can do across multiple streets of action.

The hands strength comes from dominating draws and the 2 kicker allows Qx / Kx flushes to be possible, so we can stack them flush on flush - AKs AQs significantly reduces the ranges for high flushes we can stack. AK kills KQ KJ KT etc combinations wise.

Limp button keep the blinds in with shit - wanting them to fold is a leak. If you raise the limpers are not folding either. Playing a big pot pre with a hand that draws to one thing like this is a mistake.

Limping as stated keeps the pot deep which means if we stack someone they have made bigger mistakes.

What is your reasons for raising flop? This is crucial to whether or not you should raise. Are you raising to get a free turn? So people can ship weaker draws? So people fold top pair and you take the pot? Why (and I am not saying this is correct just an option) not call and keep people in so the times you make your hand it is more likely someone has something you can get a bet out of.

This feels a little like maybe you are posting a cooler?
Posted 8 years ago
@Joshk81 tnx for reply man. I'm raising flop because I thought at least one of them goes all in. I don't like that line which you mentioned ( raise flop then check turn because It is open poker, every better player knows what I have ) It isn't a cooler because I didn't go as I planed, shoudn't bet turn but again don't like that line. My only question here was on turn when they both goes all in do I have odds to call it when It's clear that ( at least ) someone had made hand and the other one draw?
Posted 8 years ago
murtao: My only question here was on turn when they both goes all in do I have odds to call it when It's clear that ( at least ) someone had made hand and the other one draw?

Considering clean outs only yes you do. If we take away 2 hearts and consider repeat hearts dead and the ace not live this gives us your base worst equity which is 21.5% so you are close to even money on the call in the worse case scenario. (1.95 / 8.52 = 0.23 so you need 23% equity to call turn).

There is nothing wrong with raising the flop and checking back the turn. You raise the flop when your equity is excellent multiway against the ranges of hands you are into and allow worse draws to ship or call, single pairs to fold, dominated 5s6s type hands to call, then check back turn to peel a free card because it is unlikely that they are both folding the turn and now your equity is ~ 30%. You raise flop for value and to build a pot with position... you have position betting turn burns the option of using it to it's fullest. Because of the flop raise you still get the same as you would by taking a bet bet bet line - if the flop goes bet call raise call call and the turn is checked then river gets checked to you and you bet there is still effectively 3 streets of betting occurring.

On the turn you have $2.9 into $1.45. This is awkward. It is hard to make a bet here that is going to pressure the bottom of their made hand range while leaving enough on the river to bluff them when you miss. Are you intending to bet $0.95 and shove rivers you brick for the $1.95 left into the $3.35 if it is heads up or the $4.30 if both call? Are you expecting them to call flop and turn and fold river? This seems quite optimistic. Check back turn make your hand.

The shorter stack also has slightly over pot on the turn left. Do you think he is calling the flop raise to fold the turn? This removes the option to bluff as you now have to win at showdown. When you bet $0.95 did you expect him to call and fold river if you shove for his last $0.69?

I think you are looking at this and thinking this is a great hand and are locked into the idea that being a great hand you need to bet bet bet. Consider properly your position, opponents ranges, their stack sizes, and their likely actions based on player tendencies. So far there tendencies are to call, so expect at least they will do that.

Deeper you can certainly bet turn because you now have the option to ship / bet rivers and rep 44 33 88 but with draws missing expect to be called often though it still may be profitable.
Posted 8 years ago
Tnx for reply once again but you are making sciense for NL5 haha. I could answer on all your questions and denied them but there is no point. I know I played badly but I wanted to gamble with this hand. Calling 1.95$ for 8.89 I have to have 21.9 % eq to be break even. I had around 16% and call wasn't profitable. The end