PLO2 Aces vs flop check raise

Posted 7 years ago

Microgaming - €0.02 PL Hi (6 max) - Omaha Hi - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

Hero (CO): 118 BB
BTN: 77 BB (VPIP: 66.28, PFR: 2.33, 3Bet Preflop: 2.94, Hands: 88)
SB: 41 BB (VPIP: 61.55, PFR: 0.30, 3Bet Preflop: 0.82, Hands: 681)
BB: 100 BB (VPIP: 0.00, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: -, Hands: 1)
UTG: 93.5 BB (VPIP: 34.49, PFR: 3.86, 3Bet Preflop: 1.21, Hands: 785)
MP: 100 BB (VPIP: 39.12, PFR: 20.63, 3Bet Preflop: 4.72, Hands: 1,787)

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 2A9A
fold, MP raises to 2 BB, Hero raises to 7.5 BB, fold, fold, fold, MP calls 5.5 BB

Flop : (16.5 BB, 2 players) 467
MP checks, Hero bets 13 BB, MP raises to 55.5 BB, Hero ?

While playing this seemed pretty straightforward but now I'm not so sure. I know it's just PLO2 but I have almost 2k hands now on MP. So far he has a 7% flop check raise.

If I'm giving him a range like this
Attached Image

Then I should be folding. This might be too tight though, has this is after all the smallest stake.

Any other play than getting it in here?

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago*
I think you can add some pair + flushdraws things so your equity changes.
100bb I think I`m always stacking, plo2 also so yes.
Posted 7 years ago
This is PLO in a nutshell.

He probably has some kind of straight or big combo draw he likes, we have probably useless AA and the NFD. Once you choose to cbet, I think you need to see it through. Bet/folding here seems insane but I think we can make a case for checking back and playing some turns as our hand is little more than a draw at this point and he's super unlikely to fold anything better.
Posted 7 years ago
SPR ~ 5.5 I would be bet getting it in on this board. He can have worse and some draws we dominate a portion of their outs. I would be less inclined to give him a lot of combos of 35 44 etc. and more like 89Tx or 789x with spades. Against this kind of range get it in. 3b pot with the nut flush draw vs someone who opens a loose range.

Checking this back is wrong imo ... I would be checking back with hands that can turn more equity but hate to get checkraised than hands that sometimes turn the nuts but can bet get it in if checkraised as in this case.

Keep in mind also you 3b pre and depending on your playstyle and dynamics they might just put you on AAxx and checkraise wider here as a result than if you were the preflop raiser and they limp called pre.
Posted 7 years ago
if villain has a flop c/r of 7% and since you have almost 2k hands on him.. would you know what he c/r the flop with?

even if he c/r only with sets or straight. given the pot odds you can still call and show a profit with the nutflush draw and get there i think
Posted 7 years ago
Thank you all for your replies.

In game I figured getting it in on that flop was better but now I'm leaning more towards checking back.

My 3bet is around 4.5 so not only aces but this board hits him way more than it hits me. Assuming my math is correct, if he only check raises with straights or sets this would be a fold. We would have at best 10 outs if he dosen't hold any blocker right? Against 53XX with no spades my hand has 44.51%, which would make it -ev to go all in on this flop.
Posted 7 years ago
I think not betting this board is a mistake. They checkraises infrequently you have a decent hand with nut outs start building a pot now. If you check this back you avoid all the spots where you make money from weaker flushdraws that are getting it in or calling to peel a turn. Given they are out of position in a 3b pot I expect them to get it in. If he has 35 44 58 etc ul you have outs, but to check it back you don't turn more equity anyway so bet it now.

A reason to check it back might be having a gutter + nut backdoor hearts with overs. You can have a turn that gives you 40% of the deck to make a hand on the river. That is not the case here. You are only happy to see a spade or an ace here. That is not a reason to check back the flop.
Posted 7 years ago
Versus guy who c-raises 7% this is definitely a cbet. Against some more aggressive opponent you might have reasons to do something else but this guy isn't raising you lightly. You need 40% to stack off. It is a 3bet pot, so I think he can shove a bit more than just sets+.

If we assume he opens there 20% and would 4bet AAxx, you have 45% equity on the flop versus this:
Sets+, any OESD+fd, any 2pairs+fd. Note that besides 98x all OESD hands have one pair too which can lead to a shove in 3bet pot.

If we narrow down his range to sets+, 2pairs+fd only, you have 36%. Still quite close. Versus just 2pairs+ you have exactly 40%.

If this was PLO25 that would be easier to shove, as then it's more likely that opponent understands that 764 doesn't hit your 3bet range often. So any 2 pairs or combo draws are at least flipping against you.
Posted 7 years ago
His call cbet could be helpful but either way we should be continuing. If you check back and hit the spade, we may lose all value. He can even be raising with AA or worse himself, maybe Kings with the spades . I'm getting it in
Posted 7 years ago
With this SPR it would be dreadful to bet/fold a nut draw. I think the guys above said it well with our Equity and assesed his range well.

One VERY important thing in PLO is not to bet/fold to much equity. Before you bet in this spot you should have it clear in your mind if you will bet/fold or bet/call. If you find yourself in a spot where you are not sure what to do when getting raised, check back is often the best action.