T9s 100NL

Posted 8 years ago

Classic blind defence spot. Interesting flop turn and river. There is so many lines we can pick and choose from. Villian is 31/25/14. Opening 35% CO and cbet 45%. Has high WTSD with 34% and high W$SD at 53%.
Whats your standard line on flop likes these? How should we play river when we played like this?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.50/$1 No Limit Holdem Prima
4 Players

CO Player1 $172.10
D Player2 $104.84
SB Player4 $187.48
BBHero $114.66
4$1.50Hero is BBT9
Player1 raises to $3, 2 folds, Hero calls$2
Hero checks, Player1 bets $4, Hero raises to $12.50, Player1 calls $8.50
Hero bets$17, Player1 calls $17
Final Pot$65.50


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
My considerations :

1. depending on how we construct our bb 3betting range 9Tss would be a good candidate for 3betting
2. c/r with this hand makes sense since that board hits our calling range more than his opening CO range.
3. when he calls i dont see him having straights, sets, or even 2 pair, the board is too wet, i think he will reraise these
4. given that we bet small on the turn i dont think he folds anything, that`s why on the river i would overbet shove just because we represent so strong and he cant have a fullhouse, maybe 56 and 96 but we also block a 9, so we fold every overpair and it should be very hard for him to call even with a 7
Posted 8 years ago
Vs this player type im not check raising as wide as this, yes the board smacks our range but villain will have so many hands he can continue with after opening 35% and these baotds are fairly easy to read for players IP Despite the wetness especially if hero doesn't use good sizings.

Il try break down my thoughts as in above post.

1. We only 3 outs to the nuts, 1 of or our over cards sttengthens villains range.

2. We can continue to rep 2 pair straights and sets on bricks, but bricks on this board are v unlikely and we need to fire 3 to get this bluff through.

3. We can rep turned straights and flushes but given this line we're literally guessing as villain can smooth call everything but sets and 2 pair if they choose to.

4. We already have done of better hands to check raise, OESDs, pair plus back door flush, flush draws, gutshots with back door flush draws, 2 big over cards with BD fl draw etc

I'm not an advocate of the donking flop line which I think you may suggest, there's just too mange spots of uncertainty / confusion that arise.

I'd be more likely to take a check call check raise turn or river with this type of hand depending on sizings and villain tendencies.
Posted 8 years ago
River I'm either betting close to pot or over betting swaying more towards an overbet jam because we're the only guy that has boats other than his combos of 99, maybe 56 that doesn't 3b flop - unlikely, still he will often have a pretty strong range of overpairs, trips and straights and we want to be both extracting max value from those and applying max pressure with bluffs.

Posted 8 years ago
i would bet around 40$ or jam. i lean to smaller size, because it looks stronger
Posted 8 years ago
Can we play c/c river since we all agree that he VERY rarely has a hand he can shove and he could have some missed FD's?
Posted 8 years ago
Prostaker: Can we play c/c river since we all agree that he VERY rarely has a hand he can shove and he could have some missed FD's?

I am so glad you mentioned that as that was my thoughts but did not want to post and look stupid! My thoughts were if we check river we very rarely have a 7...........so he should be turning all his busted FD's and maybe even an 8 into a bluff!
Posted 8 years ago*
I think x/c isn't great? I've just sat and had a bit of a count...

He has something like 14 combos of FD overcards, 4 of which beat our kicker with a 9. So we beat 10 of those.
6 combos of AA, 6 KK, 6 QQ, 6 JJ, 3 TT, 1 99. 4 A2s - A7s (spades). 2 67s (all).

There's maybe 34 combos that beat us if we check and he checks back or bets.
And we beat like 14 combos. BUT A HUGE majority of those combos that beat us may well fold to a jam in this case. At least 30 combos?

So from this this small analysis it looks like shipping it AI or a strong looking bet will be much better?

And every combo is easily in his CO range.

Edit - And the combos that snap us off in this case with FH there are very few of. Even 67 has a pretty tough time IMO.
I'm discounting flopped sets as I'd expect them to have raised already by the turn
Posted 8 years ago*
I'll pop my 2c worth in to for the learning. Firstly I think 3betting a hand like this isn't necessary and it plays perfectly well enough as a call even OOP with no more action to come.

River it seems to me I chk and hope villain chks behind after previous actions, because it looks like if they bet I'm beat too often with 53% W$SD and they look like being a bit sticky to me, so I also think overbet/jam is a bit desperate this time to and it would show.

Also, maybe if I do play ch/c, what size do I go to? Vill bets 25%/35%/40% whatever, what does that mean? Do I call 60%/80%, what's a 'reasonable amount'? I'd be a bit lost and guessing too much without good info and I can't read as well as others, so, not comfortable with that play.

So no, I don't think I can play chk/c here, I think it's chk for showdown. (passive micro-nit alert!) Blush

Correct me, I'll enjoy it. Smile

Posted 8 years ago
Obviously my analysis isn't going to be easy to count in game, but the numbers seem pretty heavily stacked in the favour of betting big/all in no?
Posted 8 years ago
I think this combo counting like you did is they key to this hand @Grocker6! You need to be this fast so you can count this in game and come up with the best decision. Here it looks like jamming going the be best move.

As standard vs this player type (high PFR and low CB) I like to donkbet hands like this. Its not great to c/r since we will have many better hands to c/r and c/r all hands better than this we will become really unbalanced. c/c is not a great option since when he has low cbet and cbet this board that hits us I dont think we have the correct odds to continue. So then we can c/f or donk bet. Think donkbet will for sure be profitable here. We can easily expect 40% direct folds (the number for BE if we bet 3/4) and we can continue repping on many different run outs.

The result of the hands was that we checked and he jammed and we called. He had 99. Sad
Posted 8 years ago
Not a hand I would choose to check raise bluff with him c betting so little. Check fold would be my standard. Donking is interesting though. If you do so are you interested in balance at all? Not a play I would make myself but probably should start to.

As played I would have thought we're close between shoving or check folding the river. Check calling feels dirty even if he does have some whiffed flush draws. Some of those draws will jam the flop too.
Posted 8 years ago
Yes we need to be balanced when we donk bet. I think shove>c/c>c/f.
Posted 8 years ago
call flop donk turn(s)?