A2s 2NL

Posted 8 years ago

A2s isn't normally in my BTN call vs 3bet range. I might 4bet bluff against a player who is 3betting all the time but generally I'd just fold. The reason I called was due to stack sizes.Villain has 244bb and I have him covered. My main question with this hand is... are deep stacks enough of a reason to call? How much should stack sizes affect our calling range?

Flop and Turn I felt were tough spots as I wasn't sure what bluffs villain had. But I flopped a pair and turned a set so just went with it. Once villain checked river I thought he'd fold pretty much everything so I didn't bet too big. Never expected a call from pocket tens.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.01/$0.02 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG blueskyxx $1.03
UTG+1 Sawyer5716 $1
CO slctd $1
DHero $6.92
SB Flamber13 $4.88
BB mixin777 $1
6$0.03Hero is BTN2A
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.04, Flamber13 raises to $0.14, 1 fold, Hero calls$0.10
Flamber13 bets $0.26, Hero calls$0.26
Flamber13 bets $0.41, Hero calls$0.41
Flamber13 checks, Hero bets$0.99, Flamber13 calls $0.99
Final Pot$3.62
Hero shows 2A
Flamber13 shows TT

Hero wins$3.40 (net +$1.60)
Flamber13 lost $1.80

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago*
I think the call pre flop is 100% fine given stack sizes. Flop and turn is fine too, I see no reason to raise as we'll be owning ourself against a better A and we fold all their pairs asides from maybe KK (even that folds some times).

On the river I would have just pot it. I don't think they are folding any high pocket pairs to any size bet at pot size or smaller. It also looks bluffy if we had T9/TJ/56 which are all within our calling rage given stack sizes.
Posted 8 years ago
You can call pre with anything which makes nutted hands here. Especially at 2NL where you expect to get paid quite often. I usually wait until I'm getting around 150-175bb before I really start opening up.

Only thing I'd change is a bigger size on the river. I think you're being way too pessimistic about getting a call from TT. I would expect a LOT of 2NL players to call with any full house thinking you're trying to rep an ace.
Posted 8 years ago
They'll call you, fear not.

I like the pot it idea and if I think they have a decent pair or an 8x then I just overbet or ship it all at them. Just don't bet small to get paid off, they'll mostly play inelastic on a board like that anyway. My take is no pair hands wont call much more than one bb - but a pair - . Laugh