Posted 7 years ago

Folding vs 3bets IP is for sissies I guess, flop call seems standard, but am I supposed to bluff jam on turn? Villain got 5.56$ behind.

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Posted 7 years ago
HU I would fold this on the button. It is a trashy hand. As played, will he fold A2? Really you should be bluff jamming turn but they bet big on the turn in a spot where likely they don't have 67xx
Posted 7 years ago
What % I should be opening HU?
Posted 7 years ago
I think I sit at about 70%. Wait for feedback from others, but my opinion is that this hand is just too bad. You will likely end up in situations where post flop you are cbetting with not much real equity / trying to bluff rather than having some decent opportunities to value bet.

There are a reasonable percentage of flops that contain a 6 where you are still going to have an awkward time with the hand. Qxx boards are you value betting or bluffing? How well does a 8 high flush draw play? All these boards where you have something and if you bet and get called you are unlikely to be value betting your hand.

Posted 7 years ago
I think raising flop is best. Fine to raise fold since you dont have so much EQ if you get shoved on. Rather call hands like 65XY.

You can open close to 100% HU. Fold bad trips etc. And I would for sure call the 3bet with this hand.
Posted 7 years ago
If we call 3bet with this, what are we folding to 3bets? Nothing?
Posted 7 years ago*
Correct. We need 33% to call and this his how we fare with the very weakest part of our opening range.

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90%-95% still has 34% EQ. And this exact hand has 40% EQ vs a 10% range.
Posted 7 years ago*
With that way of thinking we shouldn't fold anything preflop in any situation, as almost every hand "enough equity compared to pot odds". Problem is that the preflop equity doesn't mean much if we can't realize it. I find it really hard to believe that calling 3bet without any reads on opponent is profitable with that hand.

Tactic where we open 100% of Buttons and never fold to a 3bet doesn't sound solid.
Posted 7 years ago
By folding this you will loose 300bb/100. With okay postflop play you should be able to do better than that IP with a hand that has 40% EQ vs his range.
Posted 7 years ago
So if you have Q722, you call preflop 3bet in position? As it has 33% equity versus 10% 3bet range.
Posted 7 years ago
I don't have much knowledge in PLO, but as much as I've seen PLO strat in Joe Ingrams videos, he never folds against 3bets IP. Just as Odd_Oddsen never folds his BB.
Posted 7 years ago
I personally fold a tiny bit of my range vs 3bet. The hand you said Q722 is not in my opening range but if it was i would fold it vs 3bet bc it has really bad playability and bad reverse implied odds. Those types of hands are the ones that you can fold vs 3bet, ex A952 vs low 3bet% etc.