Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

Did I play this ok? River bet / fold, check / call or check / fold optimal? haha

5 handed... Villain is pretty tight...

I'd expect him to have a decent chunk of 2 pair combos when he bets this river - AJ / AQ / A9 / QJ / A3s.. I'd imagine AT / KQ and lower would check back... Only half pot bet though =/ Not many missed draws that could turn their hand into a bluff..... I was on the fence? Thoughts?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem 888
5 Players

UTGHero $10.71
CO 71jonik7173 $10
D zag.krd $19.15
SB Mescalito25 $10.60
BB Russianmill $25.46
5$0.15Hero is UTGAK
Hero raises to $0.30, 1 fold, zag.krd calls $0.30, 2 folds
Hero bets$0.50, zag.krd calls $0.50
Hero bets$1.30, zag.krd calls $1.30
Hero checks, zag.krd bets $2.17, Hero ???

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Like the line, river just x/f, so many hands beat us while we hardly beat anything, like you said AT probably checks behind. Even if he bets AT we still have to fold because he'll have so many 2pairs, even KTs got there
Posted 8 years ago
I think x/f is fine vs a tight player but you need to be careful because against some of the looser players betting river might be best since they'll call down all TP which might include all aces and they might bet all aces as well.

If we assume he's not vbetting worse then you're bluffcatching and he needs to be bluffing for you to call. On this type of runout it's hard for him to have lots of bluffs unless he's turning pairs like KQ QT maybe JT into bluffs. I don't think your average tight 10NL player does that so folding it probably best when he bets.
Posted 8 years ago
I have a backlog of weird shit people show up with in these spots so I think I check call river. AJ AQ likely lets us know before the river that they are there, as does A9 99 etc. Maybe QJ plays this way. Not having a history on the player makes it murky.
Posted 8 years ago
At these stakes check folding is fine. Players aren't putting three streets of money in with a worse hand often enough.

If villain is tight then maybe check calling the turn is an idea. He shouldn't have too many worse Ax combos in his range versus an UTG open, and there's not many draws.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm with @Komododragonjesus on this one. While by default I'd just go for three barrels at this limit I'm fine with check/folding the river if your opponent is very tight.
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for responses! Heart
Posted 8 years ago
I feel people have a tendency to comment on the best play in a bad situation rather than pinpointing the best line overall.

Turn card is bad, and while we should value-bet again the sizing doesn't make sense. We should be betting $0.70-$0.80 and leaving ourselves with the option to underbet the river. Other option is of course to check-turn which would be reasonable.