Posted 8 years ago

Ok this one, my thought process went that player 4 will be ISO raising quite a bit here and I don't want to just flat AQo.
I go for 3 bet, but his ISO riase was alread a decent size so I use a bit over 3x sizing.

Ok so I just think AK might ship here PF and we get a call and hit the A high.
Opponent can slow play Aces here but it just seems like a cooler. Or maybe KK would play the flop like this.
I think we maytbe be chopping sometimes or be vs AJs a decent amount as he is stuck on this board if he made a loosish call PF? Maybe AK sometimes as my 3bet from SB looks strong but then the pot will be pretty big after my raise that I think he would ship it.

I just felt like this hand was pretty awkward given the texture and I can end up coolered a lot from slow played AK's and Aces. But can I every do much different? Ugh, just don't like something about this hand. The small flop bet can induce from some JJ and such, but once it goes flat and then jam over my turn bet then it sucks, but maybe I should just jam turn?

Me(SB) $4.22
Player 1(BB) $4.33 - VP:75 PFR:0 AF:1.3 W:14|0 STL:0|33 3B:0| CB:|67 N:-0.41 Hands:12
Player 2(UTG) $2.14 - VP:75 PFR:0 AF:0.7 W:25|0 STL:|33 3B:0|100 CB:|0 N:-1.70 Hands:12
Player 3(MP) $4.72 - VP:42 PFR:0 AF:4.0 W:25|100 STL:|100 3B:0|100 CB: N:0.46 Hands:12
Player 4(CO) $6.09 - VP:25 PFR:25 AF:2.0 W:25|100 STL:100| 3B:0|0 CB:100|0 N:4.35 Hands:12
Player 5(BTN) $4.84 - VP:22 PFR:22 AF:4.0 W:33|100 STL:100|100 3B:0| CB:100| N:0.84 Hands:9

Pre Flop: Me(SB) with [As,Qd]
Player 2(UTG) calls 0.04,
Player 3(MP) calls 0.04,
Player 4(CO) raises 0.22,
Player 5(BTN) folds,
Me(SB) raises 0.74,
Player 1(BB) folds,
Player 2(UTG) folds,
Player 3(MP) folds,
Player 4(CO) calls 0.54

Flop: (6s,Ad,3s)(2 players)
Pot - 1.64
Me(SB) bets 0.60,
Player 4(LP) calls 0.60

Turn: 4h (2 players)
Pot 2.84
Me(SB) bets 1.36,
Player 4(LP) raises 4.73,
Me(SB) calls 1.50


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Yeh fine then just call any river. Not sure what villain is trying to rep here and with top of our range it just makes the hand very easy to play.
Posted 8 years ago
StratoMan: Yeh fine then just call any river. Not sure what villain is trying to rep here and with top of our range it just makes the hand very easy to play.

Just feel like I got into a few spots vs coolers then on the sessions of this day... ah well.
Posted 8 years ago
More importantly than villain isolating wide is the fact that if you call the limpers likely will as well and you'll be OOP in a 4 way pot with a hand that hates that.

C bet is fine given the size of the pot already. To have avoided this maybe you could be gone smaller pre.

Turn looks like a fold. Villain is doing this with sets and aces up, we beat absolutely nothing from his value range. The only semi bluffs are 65s and missed spade draws but they don't make up a big part of villain's range.