10nl straight on flush board

Posted 8 years ago

Hey guys,
Is this a good fold or too nitty?

P.S. How do I remove screen names, and is it possible to post with stats directly from HEM?


29/23 3b12 FvFCB60 FvTCB0 250 hands...

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

UTG alligator76 $11.10
COHero $10.72
D RickTheSlick $10.27
SB Luckyfeeling $12.69
BB -Midnight- $20.91
5$0.15Hero is CO2A
1 fold, Hero raises to $0.30, RickTheSlick calls $0.30, 1 fold, -Midnight- calls $0.20
-Midnight- checks, Hero bets$0.60, RickTheSlick folds, -Midnight- calls $0.60
-Midnight- checks, Hero bets$1.30, -Midnight- raises to $3.65, Hero folds
Final Pot$7

-Midnight- wins $6.87 (net +$2.42)
Hero lost$2.20
RickTheSlick lost $0.30

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Quite a large raise i think folding is fine, i don't expect any bluffs , maybe some sets but people check raise them on draw heavy boards so mostly flushes possibly even 67. Sometimes you just got to be disciplined enough to fold a strong hand when the chances of them bluffing or having much weaker are very slim.
Posted 8 years ago*
I think the fold looks good. We should discount all sets asides from TT as they would all raise the flop, I also see 67 raising the flop on this texture.

What calls our flop bet? pairs and draws. What raises our turn cbet? flushes and I expect everything else to call.

Hard to see a bluffing range on the turn other than 6x going tricky.
Posted 8 years ago
I think turn is a call but we then fold the river. Villain can be raising lots of Axh semi bluffs here and also just running some random bluffs.
Posted 8 years ago
I like folding the turn too.

If we get drawn into calling his raise to see if he shuts down we're almost always losing unless he's bluffing which he just won't be often enough. In the micros you can turbo charge your win rate by making these folds with 'strong' hands that are actually relatively weak compared to villain's range.
Posted 8 years ago
StratoMan: I think turn is a call but we then fold the river. Villain can be raising lots of Axh semi bluffs here and also just running some random bluffs.

Not sure I understand why we would call if we know we are folding the river?
Posted 8 years ago
Turlock: I like folding the turn too.

If we get drawn into calling his raise to see if he shuts down we're almost always losing unless he's bluffing which he just won't be often enough. In the micros you can turbo charge your win rate by making these folds with 'strong' hands that are actually relatively weak compared to villain's range.

I like this a lot!