Posted 9 years agoEdited 9 years ago

I find myself in these spots every now and then and just don't see the villain doing this with anything less than 2 pairs, they usually just call their draws. I know there are exceptions but still wondering what is the right play here. Also what do you think about sizing in 3bet pots? And I usually make it 0.55 pre I misclicked in this hand.
PS no info on the opponent

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
4 Players

CO DAM_B_HOC $6.88
D IlReOmino $5
SBHero $5.57
BB somama $5
4$0.07Hero is SBKK
1 fold, IlReOmino raises to $0.15, Hero raises to $0.45, 1 fold, IlReOmino calls $0.30
Hero bets$0.55, IlReOmino calls $0.55
Hero bets$1.02, IlReOmino goes all-in $4, Hero ?


Last Post 9 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago*
My sizing is usually 3x - 0.45! Although I have messed around with 0.50 OOP

I struggle with these spots too. I'd fold in this situation I think. 2 pair JT and sets would flat call the flop as villain did. 89 gets there on the turn too =/ We block the KQ semibluff. Not nice

I'd be interested to hear what others say
Posted 9 years ago
I'm folding, unless he's been spewy.
What's he calling the flop with ? Lokos like he hit his str8, tho it could be a set I guess.
I don't think they make this kind of bluff at 5NL, I don't know anywhere they do, actually.
Posted 9 years ago
It's very close 4 way, TT/JJ/TJ are in their range, the only question is whether they would play QQ/AJ/KJ like this, as a full stack reg I would assume not as players are weaktight.

In game I'd be calling but after a review, I think I'd fold. Borderline fold for me as it's 4-way.
Posted 9 years ago
I think we need to call as we are getting a good price and have a very strong hand in a 3B pot. We should not be bet folding. We are worried about 2 hands pretty much 10 10 and J J which are possible but so are JXhh, KQhh, AQhh, AKhh, QQ, AJ and so on. This is a bet/call for me.
Posted 9 years ago
Pretty hard to put an unknown on a certain range, but as far as I can see he has all flopped sets, a bunch pair + hearts draws and 89. I like the way we played this and I think folding on the turn is absolutely fine. nh Smile
Posted 9 years ago
In this exact hand I ended up calling hoping he has enough pair + draw combos, thinking back I don't think it's a very profitable play against an unknown. The point is he had QJo (hit a Q on river) so I made a big note on his play for future exploits!!
Thanks for the responses guys! Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Player dependant I'm probably calling at 5nl
Posted 9 years ago
Hi guys

I think - given the fact that he is an unknown - it is going to be pretty close between calling and folding on the long run in terms of expectation. I think this is just one of those situations where it does not really matter what we do. Having said that, I would find a fold I guess to reduce rake (which is quite significant @ nl5).