JJ 20nl

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

Another pre flop spot......................I am being shown more and more nutted hands when shorties and fish overjam..............can I ever fold pre made even more interesting by the cold caller behind..??

** Anonymous - €20 Max (190763) [Hold'em] (0.10|0.20 NL - € Cash Game seats:6 badbeat ) Real Money

- JRHartley147 sitting in seat 1 with €22.66 at end €14.36
- Player 2 sitting in seat 2 with €30.40 at end €22.10
- Player 3 sitting in seat 3 with €24.34 at end €24.34
- Player 4 sitting in seat 4 with €8.30 at end €24.60 [Dealer]
- Player 5 sitting in seat 5 with €24.74 at end €24.64
- Player 6 sitting in seat 6 with €33.12 at end €32.92

Player 5 posted the small blind - €0.10
Player 6 posted the big blind - €0.20
** Dealing card to JRHartley147: J of d, J of c
JRHartley147 raised - €0.60
Player 2 called - €0.60
Player 3 folded
Player 4 went all-in - €8.30
Player 5 folded
Player 6 folded


Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago
Very low chance the cold caller has a nutted hand, don't think regs are calling KK-AA from UTG+1 and if you over jam I'm sure they fold QQ.

Readless, I'm calling in this spot.
Posted 7 years ago
Posted 7 years ago
Standard re jam - fold anything worse than Js+ AK. Player 4 can be shipping worse pairs and obviously A highs. Player 2 as Harvie is saying shouldn't have much AA KK (not impossible) but doesn't affect this decision, may fold Qs, will likely call AK if hes flatted that. He will however have tonnes of hands that he needs to muck so this is defo a plus EV spot for you.
Posted 7 years ago
its a standard allin here. His range is mostly like small pairs and Ax.
Posted 7 years ago
I'm fishier so I'd just pop it all in the middle to iso the shorty and let the cold caller make of it what they will. I don't want a 3 handed pot with JJ is all, too many overs and awkward things can happen.
It might be tempting to try keeping the caller in, just in case the 40bb does have the monster hand, then we can maybe get some back from the other villain if they tag along. I don't think that way anymore.

It's actually quite close for me, if shorty had a few more bb I would be nearly tempted to fold preflop.

Just wondered if all this '...I am being shown more and more nutted hands when shorties and fish overjam ...', is fear; definitely not the way to think about it if you're letting a recent run of results influence your thinking.
Run a report on calling Xbb from shorties/fish and see if it is actually the case that they have the nuts, I would be surprised if it wasn't a short sighted perception but I can be educated otherwise.

Posted 7 years ago
JJ+AK would be my standard calling range here. Shorties will do this with smaller pairs a lot. I agree with the comments about regs almost never cold calling KK+ from MP here so there's not a lot to worry about.

That said I'm not totally convinced at these stakes that all regs would fold QQ AK but it's a small part of their calling range to begin with so again not much of a worry.