Posted 8 years ago

I have a couple of questions about this. Or at least my own analysis.
I think I probably missed a decent cbet on the flop with nut high cards, wheel and back door nut flush draw. Do you agree? Even vs 2 opponents.
On the turn here Do you ever think a raise might be a good idea? Feels like the player could be taking a stab and we could just take it down with A high but have the nut FD to back us up if not.

Player 4(SB) $8.93 - VP:25 PFR:3 AF:Inf. W:14|100 STL:0|50 3B:0| CB:|100 N:-1.12 Hands:32
Player 5(BB) $8.19 - VP:15 PFR:12 AF:4.0 W:0| STL:33|100 3B:7|0 CB:67| N:1.79 Hands:34
Me(BTN) $10.15
Player 6(UTG) $10.37 - VP:17 PFR:11 AF:Inf. W:0| STL:0|0 3B:14| CB:100| N:0.22 Hands:18
Player 1(MP) $13.28 - VP:26 PFR:21 AF:Inf. W:0| STL:60| 3B:7|0 CB:40|100 N:2.82 Hands:34
Player 2(CO) $30.24 - VP:41 PFR:29 AF:Inf. W:0| STL:83|40 3B:6|100 CB:100|50 N:-1.08 Hands:34

Pre Flop: Me(BTN) with [Ad,Kh]
Player 6(UTG) folds,
Player 1(MP) raises 0.30,
Player 2(CO) folds,
Me(BTN) raises 0.90,
Player 4(SB) folds,
Player 5(BB) calls 0.80,
Player 1(MP) calls 0.60

Flop: (4d,2d,3c)(3 players)
Pot - 2.75
Player 5(BB) checks,
Player 1(MP) checks,
Me(BTN) checks

Turn: 7d (3 players)
Pot - 2.75
Player 5(BB) checks,
Player 1(MP) bets 1.50,
Me(BTN) ?

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Versus two opponent I'm still checking this flop in a 3 bet pot. Particularly as player 5 is so tight and cold called a 3 bet. Your fold equity is minimal.

On the turn I would still call as we have so much equity against nearly all the overpairs. I'm not sure if we try raising how often villain will fold an overpair for one bet, and we would certainly hate life if he jammed and forced us to fold and not realise our equity.
Posted 8 years ago
This is my philosophy on hands where a 3bet gets coldcalled by a weaker player. Either he's coldcalling tight and you don't have much fold equity in a spot like this, or super loose and single cbets don't typically work against those types of players anyways. That leads me to check flop in spots like this very often. Also, it's a 3 way pot so it's more likely you get called.

Since villain seems tight over a small sample I would just call turn. You certainly have the equity to do it with overcards + FD + gutshot. If you raise turn you don't often get better to fold but might get folds from something like AQ/AJ which would likely check river to you so that doesn't really benefit you.