25NL - JJ 3bet pot

Posted 8 years ago

So I have another hand with JJ.
Villain is reg. Looking straight forward.

Turn decision?

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Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.25 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
4 Players

CO galem12 $25
D xattabbychEV $25.25
SB _M3M3N7O_ $25
BBHero $26.40
4$0.35Hero is BBJJ
1 fold, xattabbychEV raises to $0.62, 1 fold, Hero raises to $2.10, xattabbychEV calls $1.48
Hero bets$2.30, xattabbychEV calls $2.30
Hero checks, xattabbychEV bets $4.50
Final Pot$13.40


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Interesting to see what others think.

But what I like to do is think... how many Q's float us here? KQ, AQ, QJ, QT?

AQs and QJs, QTs I think may with BDFDs and gutshot for QJ, but then we also block QJ and JT.

It's quite tough because there are also a few bluffs like KTs, AJs, ATs etc that float with BDFD and overs, but how often?

I'd think a call should be ok with GSSD and then fold if he goes for it on the river and we blank. I'd really like to hear others opinions on this Smile

It's a situation we all to often find ourselves in.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm feeling indifferent between calling or folding.

He will have a fair few combos of Qx in his range plus JTs, but what sticks out is that he's only opening 34% from the BTN and folding 45% of that. Not a super wide range. That said he is still likely to take a stab with all his overcard floats so calling once to keep him honest can't be bad. I don't think he's going to shove the river often as many players will slow down with KK+ once the Q comes.