5NL - TT & JJ

Posted 7 years ago

Anon. Nearly identical spots OOP facing pressure. We open and call 3B OOP. C/C flop

1. TT: we face this turn and more pressure

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2. JJ: we c/c flop and turn and face more river pressure

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Would love feedback on these two...

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Posted 7 years ago
I don't know whether it's correct play, but it think i would (nit-) fold in both situations.
looking at the JJ hand we have to be right 2.61/6.25 = 42% of the time, which im just not conviced we are seeing as he has now fired 3 bullets. Plus, in my experience a bet sizing like that screams that he want's you to call.

My problem with the TT Hand is that if we are calling the turn i think we have to call action on the river most of the time, and by the river the pot will be 2.43+2*0.93= 4.29$ (minus rake), which is more than enough to put you all in if he wants to. plus any J,K or A on the river will make a river call even more uncomfortable. Now theoretically, he could know that the Q on the turn is a good card to double-barrel bluff but im not sure he does that enough for the call to be worth it.

I could be very wrong, but that's my take on it Smile
Posted 7 years ago
3bet call is standard with both hands

3bets are strongly skewed towards Broadways and suited Ax. Yes JJ+ is part of their range but I guess you are ahead on the flop most of the time. so especially with JJ I suggest c/r as Villain might barrel with Axd. Another reason why this works is that you can have all the sets, Villain can not. so those flops show a huge range advantage in your favour.

actual spots:
TT: depends a bit on your reads. with no reads I think i would call and reevaluate on the river but over all this spot is so close that i guess on the long run it does not make a difference
JJ: clear fold. I can think of no hand that you beat, only stonecold bluffs. And given no reads on 5nl you will find way to few 3barrel bluffs to justify a call.
Posted 7 years ago
@FG_SpaceLord i think that's actually a very good point with regards to c/r the flop with JJ Smile
Posted 7 years ago
TT i think you should call again. Not sure what poss this is and his 3bet % which makes a huge difference here. But he should be able to have plenty of bluff combos on this runout like 87s JTs KT KJ AK etc.

JJ i think we can fold the river after facing 3 streets of aggression. Flush and K comes which is not good for our range or hand.

@FG_SpaceLord what ur plan with c/r JJ here? c/r/f? c/r/c? None of them seems good to me. We dont want to c/r this merged on a board like this. You are right in the fact that we hit this harder then him but the c/r range needs to be more polorized.
Posted 7 years ago
@Prostaker c/r/f against a tight opponent, c/r/c against an aggressive one. EV wise there is not tooooo much difference between c/c flop & turn or c/r flop.

Yes his overpairs will call and probably strong Axd combos. There are about 35 nice cards to double barrel and realize our fold equity on the turn.

I absolutley understand that bluffing with a middeling hand is not the smartest move, but from my point of view the board allows us to do so. It is surely not the most balanced way because if we always bluff hands up to JJ we bluff way to many hands. but then again this is 5NL
Posted 7 years ago
Yes it is. The c/r lines will be highly -minus both of them i believe. And like you said yourself you cant bluff this many combos bc you will bluff to much and more importantly you will have no hands to play check call with. This hand cant barrel any turn except J imo with one SPR. Choose hands that has no or less SD value and more EQ vs the opponents continuing range like AQdd AJdd A9dd KQdd QJdd KJdd QJss KQss AdQc Adjx etc for your bluffs.
Posted 7 years ago
TT; I'd call the turn as played and see what the river brings; I don't agree we have to call most rivers if we call the turn though. I do think (as mentioned above) that villain could barrel us off too much of our showdown if we fold the turn too often.

JJ; just too much going on with that runout and how often is a 3 barrel weaker than our hand in this spot? Not a tough fold for me.

The tough part for me is I'm set mining in reality here most times and then a low board hits ... takes all my discipline to fold sometimes not to chk/c my stack away.
