KJ, NL10-zoom

Posted 8 years ago

No stats on villain and I know my 3bet is a bit borderline or maybe even a fold?
Should I have played it any different postflop?
Betsizing ok?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10Zoom No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

UTG GARIK19881 $18.65
UTG+1 Arrasca $10
CO nico.r85 $10.32
DHero $20.04
SB gonja $6.24
BB JLai_168 $38.17
6$0.15Hero is BTNKJ
1 fold, Arrasca raises to $0.30, 1 fold, Hero raises to $0.90, 2 folds, Arrasca calls $0.60
Arrasca checks, Hero bets$1.15, Arrasca calls $1.15
Arrasca checks, Hero bets$2, Arrasca calls $2
Arrasca checks, Hero checks
Final Pot$8.25
Hero shows KJ
Arrasca shows a pair of Tens AK

Arrasca wins $7.88 (net +$3.83)
Hero collects$0.00 (net -$4.05)

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I'd be checking the turn, I don't think we get them to fold all that much (PP with a spade are calling and all better) and if we get shoved on we have to fold. I'd go ahead and see a free card to try and hit. I don't mind the 3bet as a bluff, don't love calling and we block some value hands.
Posted 8 years ago
I think the 3bet pre is fine personally, way better than calling.

Flop cbet I like.

On the turn my only worry is that sometimes a flush can get there, AJs and AQs, but I dunno, they might x/r flop but not always. Outside of that though I don't see many lower suited hands that call your 3bet OOP considering a couple of the JTs or 9Ts are blocked by the board so I don't actually hate the bet.

I think we can actually focus on how this spot played out and how villain played for the future. I think we can learn a lot about this being a good 3barrel spot.

I think really only AQ is our only worry so with that being said considering they didn't x/r this wet flop then we could pull the trigger.

Also any notes on villain?
Posted 8 years ago
Pre flop should be ok. I 3 bet AJo and KQo versus unknowns in these positions.

C bet looks standard even on a board where fold equity is somewhat reduced.

I'm torn on the turn,I want to bet but I doubt you're folding out much apart from gutshots without a spade and some small pairs which peeled one. Checking in position to make sure you realise your equity should be fine, but betting can't be a big mistake given all your outs.