5NL - 77 (fold spot?)

Posted 9 years ago

Anon. Interesting spot here facing the flop c/r. Villian's sizing is tiny and at the time I figured that we can't fold to this. While reviewing this hand I wasn't sure whether we should call in this spot here despite the odds. If we consider the player types, they really aren't bluffing in this situation and from what I've seen they're more likely to c/r with PP's instead of weak TP's on these board types. So if they're only likely to do it with those kinds of hands, is this a fold spot instead not getting the right odds to call?

If we call and spike a 7 on the turn, we're fine. However, it's much more likely that we're going to miss and fold turn to more pressure (unless we've got some sick read, we can't call down in this spot with 2P hoping he's getting out of line with 22-55. Players here just don't do that very often).

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05 Zoom No Limit Holdem Bovada
6 Players

UTG UTG $5.31
UTG+1 UTG+1 $4.25
COHero $8.48
D Dealer $5.22
SB Small Blind $3.06
BB Big Blind $2.21
6$0.07Hero is CO77
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.15, 2 folds, Big Blind calls $0.10
Big Blind checks, Hero bets$0.16, Big Blind raises to $0.32, Hero?

Last Post 9 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago
Flop: Genuinely i check/behind here but as played i call once. I might continue on the turn depending on the card and his actions.
Posted 9 years ago
I tend to just fold here as bad players do these weird raises even with pairs that beat us. I feel we cannot continue on a ton of turns and rivers. Doesn't happen enough or vs regs to us to get exploited by folding either.
Posted 9 years ago
I don't think there's much value in betting this flop. You don't even have to protect against being counterfeited so I'd check behind and strengthen my range for that play in the process. As played, unless you have a good amount of info suggesting that villain is very aggro and can raise here with a bunch of random combos I'd just fold and look for a better spot.
Posted 9 years ago
MattVIP: I don't think there's much value in betting this flop. You don't even have to protect against being counterfeited so I'd check behind and strengthen my range for that play in the process. As played, unless you have a good amount of info suggesting that villain is very aggro and can raise here with a bunch of random combos I'd just fold and look for a better spot.

What about betting to rep the board? This flop doesn't hit their range very hard and we'd probably rep this flop when we miss anyway. Since this is anon zoom, can't we get away with this? We wouldn't do this at a standard table, since we need to worry about smart cbetting.
Posted 9 years ago
Cookie Monster:
MattVIP: I don't think there's much value in betting this flop. You don't even have to protect against being counterfeited so I'd check behind and strengthen my range for that play in the process. As played, unless you have a good amount of info suggesting that villain is very aggro and can raise here with a bunch of random combos I'd just fold and look for a better spot.

What about betting to rep the board? This flop doesn't hit their range very hard and we'd probably rep this flop when we miss anyway. Since this is anon zoom, can't we get away with this? We wouldn't do this at a standard table, since we need to worry about smart cbetting.

You are correct, we do rep this flop. However, the problem is we don't really get called by much worse when betting. We also need hands in our checking back range which can defend against turn bets.
Posted 9 years ago
I like a check back on the flop. Betting doesn't really get value from worse so it basically only serves to deny equity from overcards.
When raised, meh, I guess I'd fold. It's a spot where if you're ahead they have significant equity against 77 and you're guessing on turns and rivers and if you're behind you have 2 outs.
Posted 9 years ago*
I understand we can't get much value from worse but should we not bet for protection on the flop and not really mind if villain folds worse. Otherwise we open ourselves up to let worse hands hit and also for villain to bluff us off the better hand on the turn.

As played I agree with others that these players are often raising top pair weak kicker in these spots so folding isn't bad at all. If you call there really isn't anything you can improve to so you'll find it hard to get to showdown anyway.
Posted 9 years ago
I would bet flop most of the time and expect to get called by worse pairs, overs and random Ax etc. 1/2 pot is plenty.
I wont get raised here often enough at this limit to feel folding is too weak when raised unless I have some history with villain.
Bet flop, fold to raise for me.