NL10-Snap, K9o

Posted 8 years ago

Better bet-bet-check?

My plan was to bet-check-bet or bet-check-call like i did.

Which is the best line?

No stats.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player6 $16.39
UTG+1 Player7 $6.23
CO Player9 $10.14
DHero $14.07
SB Player2 $7.46
BB Player4 $10.79
6$0.15Hero is BTNK9
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.20, 1 fold, Player4 calls $0.10
Player4 checks, Hero bets$0.45, Player4 calls $0.45
Player4 checks, Hero checks
Player4 bets $1.01, Hero calls$1.01
Final Pot$3.37
Hero shows K9
Player4 shows 7Q

Player4 wins $3.18 (net +$1.52)
Hero lost$1.66

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I prefer bet bet check - PPs and 7x aren't folding on that turn which makes it a clear value bet. We get value from this range 55 66 67 78-A7 K5 K6 K8.

Checking back turn lets villain potentially improve to 2p or straight for free and we often see a card that means 7x will now fold to river value bet.
Posted 8 years ago
Bet-Bet-Check is standard and probably best line vs unknown.

Vs reg you can try check-bet-bet but when the second card on the flop is higher. Ex: KJ4 flop or KQ4, when is less likely that you will get 2 streets from second pair from a decent reg if you start beting flop.
Posted 8 years ago*
On such a dry flop like this? Check, bet, bet for me. Since we more likely get some bluffs on turn and maybe opponent picks up a lower pair to get value after we check flop. Our kicker isn't great anyway so seems about the right way to get more 2 street value on this board.

It's not always gonna be check, bet, bet. It'll often be check, call bet, call bet. Or check, call bet, bet small.

I see that a possible 56 is out there, but hey. I'm sure we'll figure that out if opponent goes crazy when the draws complete. I feel there's too much other stuff to just bet this flop and get folds all day with this hand, and the odd time we let something get there, I don't mind.
Posted 8 years ago
On such a dry flop like this that were going to want to cb at a very high frequency and barel quiet often on good Turns for our perceived range so we need to be betting alot of our Kx.

It makes sense to have 'some' Kx to check back for deception or to induce a bet from stabby opponents because were going to check back with some under pairs to the K and A highs but K9 I think is too high up in our range.

Check back with your weaker Ks such as K5 K6 and mix it up with the std combos that can make a BD flush so we can actually raise river too from time to time.
Posted 8 years ago
Betting twice has the advantage of keeping control of how much money goes in the pot. If you choose to check behind on the turn and improve your hand on the river then you've put yourself out of the running for three streets of value on the odd occasion you can get it.

Villain can also choose to make a river probe bet a lot smaller than you could have bet on the turn yourself losing you value in that way also.
Posted 8 years ago
I would be an advocate of checking this back to allow villain a chance of catching up. We are going to get an absolute ton of folds by c-betting here and we will for sure struggle to get three streets of value so by checking back here we induce bluffs on the turn, as well allow the opportunity for villain to make a second best hand on the turn.

When we do bet flop and get called I would probably go ahead and bet turn again with the intention of checking back all non K/9 rivers.