Posted 7 years ago

Played this a few months ago. CO is a 56/17/9 semifish.
A few questions here.

1 : should we cbet this board ? Our UTG range is vulnerable on this board, but then again we are up against a fish and the SB wich doest hit the board himself. But with these backdoors it will be a shame if we get raised, and as a range play i think we dont need to bet this...but we did.
2. Turn : now we are against the fish. how do we play this ? again i dont think betting does much, the 7 hits him alot, and we have odds to c/c, but we didnt...
3. River, all this betting got us here. obvious check and he bets half pot. cant fold to a half pot bet on the river and we are owned.


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Posted 7 years ago
I would likely fold this UTG pre ... I think it looks better than it is and is too light an open for UTG. As played I would bet flop and turn possibly check folding river. Hard vs this guy though, but you set yourself up for this by opening light UTG, flopping a pair, turning a draw and playing blockers, then rivering a mid flush on a paired river getting 3:1
Posted 7 years ago*
I think your line is fine until river. c/c doesnt seem like the optimal play at the river vs fish. I think betting river small like 18$ is best with this hand. We can get called by some str8s and 8x that most likely just check behind if the check. And we loose less vs boat compared to c/c. Think c/c is the wors option of the 3. It's not that hard balancing the small bet on the river either.
Posted 7 years ago
I would usually fold this PF from UTG and open this from everywhere else. Now that that's out of the way...

1. Like you said, you have so many backdoors here and you have excellent board coverage on the turn that I think this is best to check call, and if you do then x/c the turn and probably on the river with that line.

2. Could go either way here, I lean towards betting to get him to fold some overpairs and bad 8x hands.

3. You should bet the river yourself for a few reasons:
- get value from straights and non boat 8x that will check behind
- you get to decide the river bet size. If your plan is to X/C anyway, you should just bet 30-40% pot here to get crying calls from the worse hands, and also save yourself money when he has 77 or 86 and decides not to raise. Obviously bet/folding in this spot. I think against tough players X/F is probably best.