NL10 6d7d

Posted 8 years ago

Versus a typical weekend warrior, must be around 35/28/12 that sort of stuff. Very aggro, pushy and spewy. There were loads of these guys out on Saturday.

So, a general question about these guys. Is flatting a hand like this ok and see a flop? I know I'm going to face the firing squad postflop but I thought this kind of holding might play a bit like small PPs and easy to dump.

These guys aren't easy to play for me without a made hand buton occasion I have called down on certain boards with A high and been fine.


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB5
UTG $103.1BB
CO $114.6BB
D $136.3BB
SB $112BB
BBHero $104.9BB
5$1.5BBHero is BB76
1 fold, CO raises to 3BB, 2 folds, Hero calls2BB
Hero checks, CO checks
Hero bets4.5BB, CO calls 4.5BB
Hero bets9.5BB, CO raises to 19BB, Hero goes all-in87.9BB, CO folds
Final Pot $131.9BB
Hero wins$129.3BB (net +$25.4BB)
CO lost $26.5BB

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Not sure what to say about this. All I could say is that if you think he's very bluffy then maybe don't ship river and actually give him room to ship on a smaller raise. Otherwise about the preflop play... I usually stick at about 89s and about vs CO unless they raise 2x then I might slip down a bit.
Even my baby pairs I dump PF as I just don't encounter enough spots where we hit HU and opponent wants to put in a lot of money. Otherwise we're usually in tricky spots with these hands OOP.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm folding this hand pre flop against an agg tard, if we flop top pair we can't really stand more than a single barrel, prefer to call with high cards then small suited ones.

River I don't hate the shove after they raise you, can't seem them getting away from QJ or sets at all.
Posted 8 years ago
Definately fine to play more liberally vs opens but as said above its normally better to play equity over playability if you are going to be calling down with TP or 2nd pair so broadways play better than drawing hands. As played though I think the line is fine. I would have raised river smaller I think as I reckon when you have been playing in that mode he will see the strength in your hand and get off it with anything less than QJ maybe or a set. Give him the roap to 'outplay you'.
Posted 8 years ago
Yes I've been experimenting a bit with this stuff so I'm grateful for the insight. I am of course looking to hit a monster and get rid of a half hit meh type backdoor this and upside down that, this guy will murder me if I start the chk/c crap.

Thanks a lot as always guys. Cool
Posted 8 years ago
This is usually a 3 bet for me versus an unknown but calling is definitely better given the read. That said folding might be even better depending on if you have info that he doesn't fold to post flop raises at all so you're left hoping for boards that won't happen very often.

I would shove the river once he raises. He's never folding a set or maybe two pair and that's what he's trying to rep.