NL10 AsKc

Posted 9 years ago

Found a 'fairly' interesting one versus the usual bad reg with no real plan.

Pre and flop: ok, I should cbet a little more but whatever.

Turn: I never chk quads even on the flop, so just pumped out around 1/2, seems ok.

River: Thinking of shoving but that's a terrible river card for villain, if he has an underpair he may well find a fold, although it's not uncommon to get tank/called I suppose. As we know, people don't like folding a full house at micros.

So, bet sizing on the river = 2/3 is too big? 1/3 maybe to get a crying call from a T?

No idea is my own answer! Help appreciated.


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTGHero $103.5BB
UTG+1 $132.7BB
CO $146.2BB
D $109.5BB
SB $100.9BB
BB $220.9BB
6$1.5BBHero is UTGKA
Hero raises to 3BB, 3 folds, SB calls 2.5BB, 1 fold
SB checks, Hero bets4BB, SB calls 4BB
SB checks, Hero bets7.5BB, SB calls 7.5BB
SB checks, (Hero)?

Last Post 9 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago
Not a spot to even really worry about. I got 2/3 because if villain is calling 1/2 he calls 2/3.

Flop and turn sizing is fine
Posted 9 years ago
I think half pot seems fine as we want a 10 to call us so a pretty bad river.
Posted 9 years ago
I would usually pot the river or make it around 85%, don't expect Ax to fold ever so let's make it big.
Posted 9 years ago
Thank you everybody, it's just those situations don't crop up every day.

Posted 9 years ago
I much prefer a bigger size on the turn. We don't expect him to fold any full house at these stakes when he can still have the best hand. If you bet 12bb the pot will almost be 1/3 bigger on the river allowing you to get better value.

River def needs a bigger bet, villain's hand is Tx here so often, and I'd expect him to call at least 3/4 pot. Obv the ace changes things as we don't expect him to have too many Ax at this stage, but it's also a card that you might bluff at so his calling range might not tighten up as much as you'd think.
Posted 9 years ago
Such a perfect turn card for you to bomb it.
First of all, Ten isnt folding. Also, you are forcing him to cry call when you shove river.
Posted 9 years ago
I have the same stand point as Harvie on this one.
I bet big, feel like Tens can level themselves, Aces don't fold, QQ and JJ probs call.
I think i bet bigger flop and turn, definitely turn. Not much, but you know... how likely is it you have quads? Maybe i have a missed value leak, i just think if they call 1/2, they call 2/3 on all streets, with the exception of maybe the flop because ranges are less defined.
Feel free to tell me i'm wrong - I'm all ears.
Posted 9 years ago
Usually around 75% pot is good on the river. It usually comes down to how often players will think something like a Tx. Vs fishy opponents we can sometimes get really large bets paid off, zeebos theorem etc. But theoretically at least, should be somewhat neutral sizing, around 75%.