NL10: JTs flush draw

Posted 8 years ago

This fold seems very nitty v an Unknown. I have loads of equity but I can't put the guy on a proper range in game, as donk bets put me off!! Thoughts?

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Posted 8 years ago
I like the flop call when we have tons of equity pieces but don't want to bloat the pot or stack off if reraised.

On the turn we pick up an extra 4 outs which should compensate for his big bet size. This, plus I doubt villain ever folds 5x on the river if we hit, should make it a call. There are some reverse implied odds with the flush but I don't think it's a big problem.

Posted 8 years ago
On wet board textures, calling flop with your hand is definitely fine. I find, as a rule of thumb, that the drier the board is, the more likely I am to raise flop donk bets with a wide range and expect good success. On wet boards, fish more often have stuff they want to continue with and so donk bets get that annoying snap-call. That said, I wouldn't hate raising AT here. Your equity is a lot more solid without reverse implied odds complicating things.

Folding turn is trivial, especially given villain's sizing.

Posted 8 years ago
U got tons of equity so I think it should be call on turn and on river if u hit u shove, or he might do it for u, if u don t u fold. Raising here against fish i guess is bad, we want to get the money in with made hands with fishes.