10NL AJo

Posted 8 years ago

Is AJo even a viable squeeze here. Squeeze size ok? Should I even bother cbetting this board seeing as TT+, AK, all spade draws and maybe a lot more gonna call. Just felt like I needed to fire to try and take down the pot. Pretty big issue I have in 3bet pots, when I whiff I never know quite what to do, especially in a spot like this where I really only have a back door straight draw and overs. I do block some hands that he could have but not the spades. People on BV just seem to get uber sticky in 3bet pots, so looking at it now, just feel like this is a check give up on the flop as I have pretty much no equity, maybe I am wrong.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
4 Players

CO Player 1 $13.74
D Player 2 $10.88
SBHero $10.32
BB Player 6 $9.90
4$0.15Hero is SBAJ
Player 1 raises to $0.25, Player 2 calls $0.25, Hero raises to $1.10, 1 fold, Player folds, Player 2 calls $0.85
Hero bets$1.55, Player 2 calls $1.55
Hero checks, Player 2 bets $2.72, Hero folds
Final Pot$8.12

Player 2 wins $8.17 (net +$3.05)
Player 1 lost $0.25
Hero lost$2.65

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Gotta love how it's so often the guy that called the original opener that calls the squeeze hah.

I think the squeeze is fine but I'd be making it at least 1.30 as we want folds. If it was just vs the CO open then you can flat pre but yeah it's good to gain initiative and at least end up heads up.

I think you can cbet, but make it smaller, I'd just go literally half pot and give up if called and we whiff turn, which we did and it's also bad for us anyway,

Posted 8 years ago
Perfect line imo.

AJ is definitely a squeeze vs a CO open.

C bet with two overs is fine on this board.

OOP on the turn there's not much else we can do apart from give up. Barreling doesn't feel good because even a lot of his float will have a spade and our fold equity is reduced. He also has a ton of value hands that he's never folding.
Posted 8 years ago
The squeeze should be fine.

It's worth noting that since the original coldcaller called your squeeze his range will likely be pretty well defined as pocket pair heavy plus maybe some suited broadway type hands. That's pretty significant on this board texture and with your hand since zero pairs will fold to the cbet. Plus you have AcJd meaning any combos of stuff like AJs ATs QJs etc that makes it to the flop will be more weighted towards spades since you block the other suits. Overall that's pretty bad news.

So I might just go for a check on the flop or if you bet I think a smaller bet would do better. In squeezed pots I'll often cbet