KK dry board

Posted 8 years ago

Thoughts..?? Very confusing! I would never normally fold to a single raise but thinking further there is no way I can call down 3 streets and he is very rarely giving up on his bluffs on turn and will often 3 barrel! Second thoughts is why would he raise a 9?? Thirdly I don't think he is ever raising an overpair! 78s is possible but he is defo barrelling that! I think I like a super exploitable fold!

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/6PLAYERS /Prima

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Posted 8 years ago*
Always an annoying spot I guess. But holding the Kc and having position I think we can call and see if river gives a club and we get a good price, or see if he does barrel again or not. Also a K itself will be amazing if it hits although it's not the reason we're calling but add it to the fact he may have a 9 then it's another possible big money card. If we have to fold turn then that's fine but I like a flop call.
Posted 8 years ago
Their range is two pair and better than random draws, I think calling in position is fine as we have the Kc. I will then decide how I play the turn based on card and their sizing. Most likely call again on all blanks.

I feel the fold is a little too weak, if we're folding KK then we are folding too much of our range in this spot.
Posted 8 years ago
Agree with previous posters. He can have many draws here and folding KK would really be bad for our range. He gives us okay odds since he only 3x our HP bet. Implied odds plus the fact that we will be ahead alot of the time makes this a call.
Posted 8 years ago
Usually when we face flop raises in the micros on multiway flops we can fold KK+, but here with so many draws plus the fact guys love bluffing paired boards so much at these stakes folding is too weak. It's also important that we have the backdoor draw which makes the turn easier to play as we can continue a decent amount.

You say he's not raising an overpair, but in my experience a lot of guys will, so we're ahead of a part of his value range too.