50NL folding str8 on the river

Posted 9 years ago

Should i care that he bluffed me here, could i have looked through it ? or is it just too fishy to call it off

the line didnt feel like a flush on the turn, but he convinced me on the river.


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Posted 9 years ago
I know we should defend our big blind wide but 47o is just trash, fold pre.
I like the turn lead, ok to call a raise there I think.
River I don't like the donkbet, now we are in a tough spot which we should never be in.
The fact that he checked back flop removes a lot of flush combos out of his range, so his river shove doesn't make much sense really.
But on the other hand I doubt people will raise river as a bluff there a lot there so I probably fold there
Posted 9 years ago
Fold this hand pre flop, you're going to loose too much money in the BB if you're playing this hand without some kind of read.

As played I would have donked the flop and bet on all hearts/over cards.

Turn I would have just called, their turn raise makes no sense for value and they most likely have nothing. River I would be check-snap calling to pick off bluffs.
Posted 9 years ago
I'm glad we have so many on here that has poker figured out Yes
Posted 9 years ago
I think we should be calling here as we block the most obvious hand villain is repping which is Ah4h.

I would put villain on the AhX and is running a pretty sweet bluff vs you.