5NL - 77 (SB)

Posted 7 years ago

Anon. We SB defend against BTN open and check flop...

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Posted 7 years ago
I have no statistical data to support the following logic just what i have observed while struggeling through the micros:

pot size bet on the flop is very very bluff heavy. Villain has not flopped the nuts because villain is always afraid that you fold when he has the nuts and bets rather low. Therefore i would call at least one street.
Posted 7 years ago
I would dump this one and move on, it's down the bottom of my pairs defending range anyway. sometimes they will take this line on a draw and slow down on a blank but no info on that yet.
Even if villain is bluffing, I'd be surprised if it was with total air and their overs or clubs have loads of equity against our 7s and we have only weak showdown with this hand which isn't great given villain seems to be short so probably recreational.
I have plenty of broadways and Axs that would be better suited to a call than this imo.