99 NL30

Posted 9 years ago

Again, this is played in a different currency so this is effectively NL30

Villian plays 35/18/4,3 over 300 hands, postflop agg% 38
Should have raised bigger on the flop I think.
Turn is where I'm usually lost, not sure which line is best, I feel if I check I lose too much value.
Then again on the river, shove, x/c, x/f?

CO $148.80 (148.8 bb)
BTN $107.71 (107.7 bb)
SB $92.98 (93 bb)
BB Hero $209.11 (209.1 bb)
MP $103 (103 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 99
MP raises to $3, CO calls $3, BTN calls $3, SB folds, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($12.50) 89Q (4 players)
Hero checks, MP checks, CO checks, BTN bets $5, Hero raises to $16, 2 folds, BTN calls $11

Turn: ($44.50) 3 (2 players)
Hero bets $22, BTN calls $22

River: ($88.50) A(2 players)
Hero bets $168.11 and is all-in, BTN calls $66.71 and is all-in

Last Post 9 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago
In my opinion your raise size is okay. The villain got his flush on the turn and won?
Posted 9 years ago
I bet on the turn is fine and so is checking. If I bet the turn I'm looking to check decide on a lot of rivers. Once we go 3 streets even though we have a set, with the flush and straight coming in on the turn it's hard for them to call with worse.
Posted 9 years ago
I'm with @Harvie on this one. Unless villain is an absolute payoff wizard it's hard to get three streets on this texture.
Posted 9 years ago
I don't mind the turn sizing although we could even go 40% as river is set up pretty ugly now for us to fold to a x/shove.

I think all the 2 pairs will check back and I don't see much in the way of missed straight draws that would have called the flop raise and turn bet when flush comes in so it looks like a x/fold in this specific spot.

Posted 9 years ago
I think we were 5 handed on the flop and we could so easily be behind already. Turn is a death card imo even if we were ahead on the flop and that's fairly thin. I'd be checking this to the river from turn, not sure if I'd check/c or chk/f though to be fair, but river is bye bye beautiful 9s for me as played after villain calls turn. Sad
Posted 9 years ago
Thanks everyone, yeah he turned the nut flush. Hard to let it go while playing though.
Posted 9 years ago
When a fish bets less then half pot on such a wet board with so many people in the hand, its usually either because he has a draw himself and thinks he has fold equity or a marginal made hand that doesn't want to let scare cards fall off for free. I think we can x/r bigger for value since he is fishy and we want to also push others out (don't want to go 3 way to the turn) Him being agrro usually means he will donk with his strong made hands (because hes affraid of scare cards) or x/r them but usually will also have tones of semi bluffs himself so he won't respect your raise too often.

I would x/r 4x on the flop, then bet 1/3 pot on the turn then x/ probably fold the river.

I just don't think these types of guys bet 5 into 12.50 with AQ and 2pair type hands on the flop.
Posted 9 years ago
You need to remember here that when seeing a flop 4 way continuing ranges are typically much tighter. Oh course your hand is awesome but it means villains will be continuing much less with non-nutted facing lots of action. I think the way I would play this is x/r flop bet turn check river. On the Ax river I don't expect to be paid off by Qx at all so by betting you're getting action from 2 pair and better which on this board will include lots of flushes and the JT straight.