Live NL100 AQo

Posted 9 years ago

Hi guys. I have 2 hero fold hands so I suppose I'll make 2 threads as is the policy.

I've played 2 nl - 25nl online but atm I can't play online much and I'm finding it boring so I took a shot at the live games because a) They are supposedly soft and b) I can afford to lose a hundred quid.

So the blinds are 1/1 and I'm 180-200 bb deep. Gets raised to like 5, gets a few callers and I'm in bb with AcQs.

Flop comes Qc4c2c. So we have TPTK + Nut flush draw. I think the action goes, I bet about 10, call, raise to 40 from a tight player. Folds back round to me and I'm thinking can I really fold here.

So I can peel one OOP, fold or shove. I reaaaally don't want to shove here as I think he only calls with the flush and I'm really deep. (He has me covered - he has about 500 bb lol).

So I think my options are to peel 1 OOP or fold. This guy was very TAG. Played very few hands but seemed to have it each time. I'm also really tight and that's my table image as well at this point.

Looking back I think I'm getting the implied odds to peel 1 card and reevaluate on the turn. There's also a chance he had 22 or 44 (raising almost to "see where he's at" eugh) in which case he might XB the turn, giving me a chance to realise my equity, but I really felt at the time he only had flushes in his range, giving the type of player he was.

I folded and asked to see one. He showed the 3c so its either a really creative/mad bluff which is very out of character or he had it. So I was pretty happy to see this card. 5x3c could've been a bluff in his range I suppose.

Live poker is weird and I'm convinced the guy next to me was a drug dealer but hey ho it was fun for the first couple hours Smile What do you think of this spot? Smile

Last Post 9 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago*
Looks a bit like you're scared money because this is a spot where folding is out of the question. 100bb deep I would shove, 180b I would most likely call.

Folding is way too weak and if you fold here I think you need to spot playing this game at these stakes for now as it does look like you're scared money, that will affect your choices a lot.
Posted 9 years ago
Harvie: Looks a bit like you're scared money because this is a spot where folding is out of the question. 100bb deep I would shove, 180b I would most likely call.

Folding is way too weak and if you fold here I think you need to spot playing this game at these stakes for now as it does look like you're scared money, that will affect your choices a lot.

Yeah I agree. At the time I was thinking damn if I had a starting stack I can just shove here no worries. But you're right in that the play is to definitely call one street. I've noticed a lot of turns get checked in live games and there's also the chance he bets the turn smallish giving me the right odds to call. (It's not like online where we can just click 2/3 pot each time Cheeky A lot of the time the bets are very small relative to the pot. )
Posted 9 years ago
@Harvie I'm surprised that you would shove for 100bb when we have TPTK.

Vs a tight player if the money goes in we're well behind. I know it's not a great spot to be OOP with a one card FD if our pair is no good,but what are we achieving by shoving?

@5amue1 FWIW if this guy really is as tight as you describe then folding can't be a huge mistake. Vs a standard TAG reg we have to continue, but against a nit who will have made flushs and sets which fill upon the river we're not passing up on much at all.

In a live game populated by nits when there's post flop raises your one pair hand won't be good very often, so we're left with your draw which is going to be hard to get paid off from if you hit. It looks like you're getting around 2.5-1, so if you do call, it's essential to be getting paid to some extent on later streets.
Posted 9 years ago
Turlock: @Harvie I'm surprised that you would shove for 100bb when we have TPTK.

Vs a tight player if the money goes in we're well behind. I know it's not a great spot to be OOP with a one card FD if our pair is no good,but what are we achieving by shoving?

@5amue1 FWIW if this guy really is as tight as you describe then folding can't be a huge mistake. Vs a standard TAG reg we have to continue, but against a nit who will have made flushs and sets which fill upon the river we're not passing up on much at all.

In a live game populated by nits when there's post flop raises your one pair hand won't be good very often, so we're left with your draw which is going to be hard to get paid off from if you hit. It looks like you're getting around 2.5-1, so if you do call, it's essential to be getting paid to some extent on later streets.

Yeah I think a really important point is that if a 4th club hits and he had a medium flush he's going to just fold. He *might* call turn but he definitely won't call turn + river.
Posted 9 years ago
As played,i think you are deep enough to just call. Also, I would rather check/ call this flop in a live poker game.
When its multiway like that, flushes became a much bigger part of their range.
Of course if we have like 70-50bb, its a good idea to bomb flop with the purpose of getting money in asap.
Posted 9 years ago
First, in order for us to give you much helpful advice, you need to provide us with all the reads you can. Providing live reads is diff than how we post online stats, mostly cuz the variety of players you see is soooo much wider than our normal 6max V's. . Here's an example from another forum:

"2/4, 400 cap

Hero: asian, 20s, reggy image probs, actual image should be neutral against v because he hasn't seen me lose, im being friendly talkative etc etc. ~$400 c/o

v1: old white guy, loves to limp/call with lots of his range and donks at the board when he hits stuff, has literally FLOP donked ~50% of the preflop raised pots he has been involved in. $280. utg

v2: reggy mawg, clearly someone who plays very often, not really involved in hand. ~$400 mp1

v3: american guy, a bit fishy, very abc, typical loose passive. covers hj."

Now, OTTH:

Pre, Unless it was a nit that raised, I'd 3bet here to 25-30. When it's 5 to the flop, 1p hands are almost never good. You're OOP, and nothing worse than losing to A6o cuz you didn't charge them for seeing a flop and they hit 2p vs your TP.

OTF: as played, and again, depending on your reads, there's no shame in letting it go. It kills, I know, TP and NFD, but you are almost always up against a set or flush. Live, tight players don't put money in until they made the hand. If he has KcQ, he's just flatting. Action went bet, call, then raise with action still behind, he's going to the felt otf if he can. And depending on what kind of tight he is, he won't pay you off if you hit. (Some nits can't let go, you have to judge which kind of nit he is.) But if you think OR will also come along and pay off with a worse flush if the 4th club hits, maaaaaybe you can call. (not really, that's Bad Cycle talking.) Finally, you're not closing the action. The OR's sizing was lol bad so I doubt he'll re-pop it, but he might.

To one bet it's an easy call, but with this action otf, just let it go. Online, sure a 100BB shove can be standard, but live, and deep, it would be lighting money on fire. People can cbet with air, but postflop raises from tight MAWGs (middle aged white guy) are almost never speculative. They signal strength. If V was 30, wearing a hoodie, loud, drinking, etc, whole different ball game.

Funny, I've been wondering lately how many of us play live. I usually post my live hands elsewhere, I'd love to know how many of us spend time in B&M casinos?
Posted 9 years ago
CycleVancouver: ...

Yeah live is pretty fun Smile So dependent on reads though as each player plays reaaaally different whereas online we're all trying to achieve the same nirvana tag gto play.

This was in the UK. Where do you play live?

I'm up for sharing hands from live poker if you want - where do you usually post them? I know every hand on the forum here is online.

Posted 9 years ago
There's a chance if you read my SN you'll figure out where I play. And if you don't figure it out, then you're definitely invited to my home game! Wink

2+2 is the best trafficked forum, I assume ainec. Problem is, there's just so much a**hole-ery there. Some very good advice, if you can wade through the muck. Even though the LLSNL forum is modded (i suppose they all are), the lack of even basic politeness can be a real turn-off. (It's not all posters ofc, but enough that I feel stressed reading it sometimes.) I have thought about posting some HH here, but idk if the majority of active posters play much live. I do post my home game hands here, since they play more like NL10 or 25, ditto all my online hands. Advice is solid, the community is great. But on 2+, I can count on most every poster being better than me in live play, and obviously I find that invaluable. Also, most every hand gets multiple opinions, and some decent discussions can open up d/t the # of posters.

If I/we hear that there are more people who play live than I realized, I'm def interested in seeing how it goes here.