NL10 66

Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

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$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.105
UTG $12.42
CO $9.15
D $14.46
SB $9.47
BBHero $10.83
5$0.15Hero is BB66
1 fold, CO checks, 1 fold, SB calls $0.05, Hero checks
SB checks, Hero bets$0.25, CO calls $0.25, SB calls $0.25
SB checks, Hero bets$0.75, CO folds, SB raises to $3.35, Hero goes all-in$9.73, SB goes all-in $5.77
2$19.14, 2 all-in 4
Final Pot $19.14

Would you guys play it differently?

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Just wondered why the overbet flop, it's not something I would do in a limped pot versus an unknown range is all.

Preflop: I raise to 4x unless I have info villain is tricky with monsters. Meh, I'd raise anyway.

Pot = 80c

Flop: I'd cbet 65c on that board with overpair and gutshot; and if called...

Pot = 2.10

Turn: Bink, now I can bet hard and ge the money in if I can, Ax wont fold nearly ever at n10 which would constitute a large proprtion of hands that would play like this, or as mentioned, a sneaky overpair slowplayed.

River: Rub money on ti..

No matter whether my play is correct or not, at least I would know where I'm at a bit better than the way you played it preflop. Doing it your way we get no info on the strength of villain's range and end up guessing too much.

See what the big guns think though, I play nl10 as well. Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Pre is fine, raising is an option but when called by CO we are oop with a pp which is not known for being a massively +EV spot.

Post I wouldn't bet so large otf. Ok we have an over pair to the board but almost every card in the deck gives us second pair. You get in a spot where it's like are you value betting or bluffing? Neither really with this size. We could take this like with like q6 q7 type hands (q could be any of jqka) along with our sets, but this is just such a mid strength hand that over betting makes no sense.

Turn is fine, he has sets two pairs and straights both better and worse so calling is a no brainier.
Posted 8 years ago
Flop wasnt actually an over bet , this HH is bugged. It was 3 way limp 0.25 into 0.35.
Posted 8 years ago
Aha! In which case I retract all my earlier comments, sit back and wait for the experts to get it right! Smile

Gl Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I like it, but when betting the flop, what is your plan for the non- red 4 turns?

Bet? Start repping a flush? Check and decide? I think here you are happy to just bet and take it down.... or turn a red 4 and stack people.
Posted 8 years ago
Limping behind on the flop is fine.

On the flop I would make it 10c.

The turn shove is ok, but I think there's an option to just call his raise as he's unlikely to be raising this big with sets. So we're either way ahead of Ax, chopping with random 6x or way behind 76. At least by calling he can continue to bluff on the river.