PLO10 Flop and River question

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

I don't have the HH but only have the hand here, hope it's fine:

Should I raise on the flop? I didn't because villains are passive stations so I'k not getting HU mostly. River do you call? I'm having hard time putting him on a range so some help with that would be appreciated, he min bets on the flop like wtf probably a draw but then betting big turn and river ...

ps. I don't have the HH of the hand since a friend sent it to me so it's in this format

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Posted 7 years ago
This is a hard question to answer without reads on the villain's play style.

I can see some merit to raising the donk but it sucks if SB then repots. Reasons would be to isolate the SB play HU and fold out the Btn as well as having the option to take the lead in the hand + build a pot if we decide to on the turn. I think though I would just call down as played then note take on the river.

As played I don't see a reason to raise turn after calling flop and given the bet size on the turn I would call river getting 2:1 but not super happy about it. 99xx 89xx some 86xx hands are possible. Maybe some JT7x but this is odd if they min donk flop and pot pairing turn. There are some other combos of 8xxx that have other spades with them, so some chops are possible too.
Posted 7 years ago
I dont think its much merit to raising the flop. We wont fold out any better draws and we have few nut outs and some SD value.

I would call river since we are close to the top of our range. He should exclude us from having all boats except 86 when we dont raise the flop.

All the common draws miss like spades and the higher str8draws. And I dont think he bets this small on this dry flop with 99,98,33 etc.
Posted 7 years ago
I would prefer to take a more aggressive approach in this hand. It's such a small flop bet, I don't think he's strong and I'd also prefer to have a bigger pot building with decent equity.

On the turn, we are behind to only 99, 33 and 89 but with bet sizing I'd make these less likely so again I'd elect to raise.

As played, call the river