J9s 20nl

Posted 9 years ago

Villain is a standard 25-20 reg.............. spew

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$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

UTG grandgrinder $34.24
CO RedRik $19.70
D Ivangennaro $24.51
SB Marccoo $33.82
BBHero $20
5$0.30Hero is BB9J
1 fold, RedRik raises to $0.60, 2 folds, Hero calls$0.40
Hero checks, RedRik bets $1.30, Hero calls$1.30
Hero checks, RedRik bets $1.90, Hero raises to $4.10, RedRik calls $2.20
Hero checks, RedRik bets $9.60
Final Pot$21.70

Last Post 9 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago
"standard 25-50 reg" doesn't count as a description. Based on his stats you can either x/c turn or x/r, I prefer x/c vs an unknown. Bet river half pot and probably puke fold as his full pot flop bet / raise river is screaming strength. As played you need a pretty solid read to fold, and since you don't seem to have one I would click call and make a note regarding his flop sizing.
P.S. x/r bigger OTT if you are going to x/r.
Posted 9 years ago
Thanks for the reply but it does say 25-20............ meaning his vpip and pfr Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Prefer to bet/fold river than check/fold, i find really hard to just x/f. Go bigger on the turn, i think if u are raising that low, that probably could be a mistake u can find on other hands, personally i would go 3x.
Posted 9 years ago
Very tough spot but I think we find the call here. AA, AK, 66, KK are the hands we are worried about and do all make sense however 66 does not always pile this river.

We have close to the top of our range also and we can run into a ton of bluffs here like QdX and also AxQd
Posted 9 years ago
gdevil23: Prefer to bet/fold river than check/fold, i find really hard to just x/f. Go bigger on the turn, i think if u are raising that low, that probably could be a mistake u can find on other hands, personally i would go 3x.

I would normally go bigger I just felt that any bigger and he is just going to insta fold all of his 1 pair A hands! So went a bit smaller to try and keep those in! Probably a mistake!
Posted 9 years ago
Why would a 'standard' reg not have a full stack?
Anyway, I'd call this to catch the overvalued Ax and cry if he has me beat.
Posted 9 years ago
Pf, flop and turn are fine.

Remember that we still have a flush on the river and that there is absolutely no good reason not to value-bet if we pick the right sizing. Usually underbet/fold river will be strongest here. There are many spots in poker where we can value-bet thin, but check/call ends up being a train-wreck, since villain will simply not play aggressively enough vs missed bets.

Also, it's probably a lot easy to play bet/fold than it is to play check/fold. River raise would usually indicate more strength than a river bet vs missed barrel.
Posted 9 years ago
Great comment mate! Only thing that usually puts me off betting small on river is I always think it will look weak and get attacked?? Am I just totally levelling myself and 20nl regs are never going to do this??
Posted 9 years ago
As opposed to the super strong looking option of checking? =D

Anyway, people probably don't bluff raise as much as we think. It'll happen with a small frequency but not that much. And it's not like we'll never get bluffed if we check. The advantage of betting is we can encourage some worse hands to call that might otherwise check behind.
Posted 9 years ago
Thanks great stuff! I do check river farrrrr too often!
Posted 9 years ago
interesting post. I generally just call the turn because it makes our river decision easier. However I think c/r is the most +ev as we charge FH and nut flush draws (if they bet) and extract value from smaller flushes. The problem comes on the river when we don't want to stack off against what is now a pretty strong range but I think we should still be going for value. The perfect sizing would therefore be one that doesn't tie us to the pot, so we can b/f. if our opponent is capable of bluff raising Kd maybe just half pot it as our hand looks face up by blocker betting.