OOP Two Pair on the river

Posted 8 years ago


Hello Friends,

What do you think about on the Turn and River ? How would you play there and Why ? I check on the turn for pot control.. But on the river "J" some interesting card for me. It gives me 2 pairs . Can I small bet / fold here ? or check / fold here ? How would you play on the turn and river. ?


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Posted 8 years ago
Pre and flop play is pretty standard obviously.

Turn I like betting here for sure and I like your sizing as well. I don't think we are likely to get raised here very often at all and we want to be extracting value from worse Ax and lower pocket pairs that may have called flop and picked up a flush draw to go along with their pair.

On the river I think I like betting again, it's pretty unlikely that we are beat here when villain flat called on the turn so I would be betting about half pot again here trying to extract value from his Ax hands that we crush. If we get raised on the river we are in a gross spot but I do feel there is some value to be had here from betting, and it's almost impossible for villain to have no showdown value here so I don't think we will be inducing many bluffs by checking river.
Posted 8 years ago
I would go ahead and bet the turn because all pairs they called with on the flop call again on the turn if they hold a spade.

As played I do kind of like leading because I think weak ace x may check back but call a small bet, along with smaller PP if we make the bet around half pot or so.
Posted 8 years ago
Turn bet would seem thin, though it gets better the more loose passive villain is. There should be a fairly limited amount of flushes and straights in villain's range but there are also a fairly limited about of worse hands that call you unless villain is playing a bunch of offsuit Ax. Stuff like 66-99 with a spade only accounts for 12 combos so it's not a crazy amount of hands. I would take the same line as you and go x/c turn.

River 2 pair still loses to all sets, straights and flushes so it's not terribly different than just top pair. I'd check it. It's definitely villain dependent but good players likely won't be calling a river lead too light and will often just be raising or folding.
Posted 8 years ago
I don't dislike your line here given the texture. Given the types of hands villain could have (although villain dependent) I think we can x/c the river.
Betting seems a little thin and worse Ax is only a small part of their range.
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks a lot to everbody. What do you say if villian pot size bet or around or half pot bet etc. when we check , how should we think against this sitiation? quick fold ?
Posted 8 years ago
Hey @Quinine Is it you that I regularly spot at the Blaze games? Beer
Posted 8 years ago
I like betting the turn more than checking. Villain will continue with most of the range he called the flop with. It's not great value or anything but should be +EV.

River depends on villain a lot. The worse he is the more I like a lead. I don't expect to get bluffed raised at 10NL hardly ever, but he will still call with a number of worse combos.