5NL A9o

Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

I'd preface this hand by saying my understanding of range is currently rather limited but I will try and explain my thought process. I also find it difficult to decide if this was a cooler or if I made a bad call off on the flop.

PokerStars - $0.05 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN (BTN): 247.6 BB
Hero (SB): 115.2 BB
BB (BB): 128 BB
UTG (UTG): 216 BB
MP (MP): 101.2 BB
CO (CO): 204 BB

Hero posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Dealt to Hero: Ac9h

fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 2.4 BB, BB calls 1.4 BB

Flop (4.8 BB, 2 players): 6cQc7c

Hero bets 3.4 BB, BB raises to 11.8 BB, Hero raises to 40 BB, BB raises to 125.6 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 72.8 BB and is all-in

Turn (230.4 BB, 2 players): Ks

River (230.4 BB, 2 players): Kd

(One Pair, Kings)
(Pre 54%, Flop 29%, Turn 16%)

BB shows: JcTc

(Flush, Queen High)
(Pre 47%, Flop 71%, Turn 84%)

BB wins 220.8 BB

So just some ideas on why I took that line.

I open with around 50% of hands on the button or in the SB (2.5bb) as from experience as players only rarely defend against this bet amount or 3BB. Players generally seem less likely to fold to a min bit however although I haven't experimented with this amount often.

When BB calls my initial bet I think he could be doing this with an tighter range than me (small pocket pairs, suited connectors, broadway combos) but still with plenty of hands I could be ahead of.

When the flop came I cbet around 3/4 pot as I had a overcard to the board and a flush draw to the nuts. When he raised me to 11.8bb I considered he could possibly hold a weaker flush draw with a pair (like KcQ JcQ) or perhaps a set or two pair or maybe even just the naked flush like me (KcJ, Kc10).

My reraise to 40bb I saw as a semibluff with the intention to call it off if he did reraise me. I reckoned that even if he had the flush on the flop I'd have a decent chunk of equity and if he had weaker holdings such as sets, two pair or even top pair with a weaker flush draw I'd be in good shape.

If anyone would like to make a constructive critique to any of my thought processes, actions or inactions please do so. I am here to improve.

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Posted 8 years ago
Preflop this is obviously a standard open, generally I would be opening a little larger blind vs blind though. You are guaranteed to be out of position post flop so I think going less than 3x here is a mistake, you’re giving your opponent an exceptionally good price to call with quite a wide range and you have a hand that will not flop overly well that often.

On the flop you are in a spot where you are very likely not ever going to get called by worse hands and there’s not a huge number of better hands that you will fold out so I think here you probably sized the flop a little too large. 50% pot here (or even slightly less) should accomplish much the same goal. It should be noted here as well that when you do hit your flush you are very unlikely to get paid with the 4 flush on board so the smaller you can make your semibluffs in this kind of spot the better.

When you get raised on this wet a board your opponent is repping incredibly narrow, and it’s pretty unlikely that you will be encountering many bluffs here. Villain can have some two pair combos, 66/77 for sets and also a lot of made flushes. While you are correct in saying that you are never in awful shape against these hands, you’re never in good shape either. Against a flush you have only 7 outs, against sets there are a lot of cards villain can make a full-house or quads on that leave you drawing dead so aiming to get all of the money in the middle here will be a pretty large long term losing proposition. I think you can call the raise and play turns accordingly though. Folding seems to nitty to me with the nut draw but I think it’s going to be close between that and the call.
Posted 8 years ago
Pre flop is standard.

On the flop I would just call. If we stack it off we're always against hands which are well ahead usually. It's still possible he's bluffing and will not fire the turn allowing you to take the pot away.

You're also a bit deep which makes this whole situation a bit worse.
Posted 8 years ago
Pre as mentioned is easy open 100% of the time for 2.5bb.

I'd bet the flop a bit smaller and call the raise. You reraise and you fold his bluffs and then get it in needing to catch cards almost all the time.
Posted 8 years ago
Really, thanks guys for the input. It is very much appreciated.
Posted 8 years ago
I also agree with the fact that going for the cbet/3bet line on the flop will most likely be an overpay given the limit. I'd much prefer to just call when we're facing the raise.