AKo NL10

Posted 7 years ago

The hand in question is the following:

Im wondering in particular what people think about the sizing of my isolation bet preflop and
the sizing of my bet preflop. should i just have shoved on the flop ?

any comments are welcome Smile

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Posted 7 years ago

I am no expert but il give you my thoughts I also play NL10,

The pots $1.05 before you act including the blinds, you make it $1.50 to go with the bb left to act. The pots $2.50 so the 3 players that are in the pot have to call $1.20 to win a minimum of £2.50+

I think they other players with 200+bb stacks should be charged more, I think $1.90/$2 is a better sizing because player 5 mite shove and you have a easy decision if the bigs stack fold to you. Also if you brick the flop the less people in the pot the better.

The bb calls behind you, player 5 should have went all in if he is going to flat you in that spot. Watching the hand to the end i think if you made the raise bigger to the above £1.90/2 player 5 should commit and I doubt player 3 in the BB will fold his hand but this also depends on player dymanics. (if any)

Hope this helped.
Posted 7 years ago*
You hade a nice crowd on your table Smile

3bet could be bigger, just like @daveo mentioned but is not bad at all.

Flop was OK but instead of more than 50% of the pot I would bet a bit less because It is very likely that you are behind when you get called. you find AJ JJ KQ JT and TT in lots of 3bet pots even AT is a possibillity when the price is so good.

After you hit your gin card you played fine.

Posted 7 years ago
Yeah i think you guys are right that my 3bet preflop should have been bigger for sure.

I was a little unsure of my bet on the flop (especially cus i feel like im bad at figuring out when it's a good spot to just shove), so seeing that @FG_SpaceLord just recommends a slight lowering of the size is good news i suppose Smile

thanks for the input Smile