NL20 QdQh

Posted 8 years ago

ANon v SS and a perceived nit 16/6 in CO so far but only 6 circuits. Nit uses atuo-fold a lot.

Anyway, spidey senses going off here again, but I think I played it bad before that becaue I can't reraise flop.

So, turn, ship it? The only hand that would make sense for CO is an overpair or something like AQss/AKss or just possibly 9s?


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG $48.15BB
UTG+1Hero $107.45BB
CO $394.45BB
D $5BB
SB $113.35BB
BB $100BB
6$1.5BBHero is UTG+1QQ
UTG raises to 3BB, Hero raises to 9BB, CO calls 9BB, 3 folds, UTG calls 6BB
UTG checks, Hero bets20BB, CO calls 20BB, UTG goes all-in 39.15BB, Hero calls19.15BB, CO calls 19.15BB
3$145.95BB, 1 all-in 5

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
ok so pre flop start making it bigger. 3X is so 2015. People call so often we can just get more value so make it 3.5X or 4X.

Flop just go all in flatting is -ev and only achieves negatives.
Posted 8 years ago
I think once the shortie goes all in, he can have JJ - TT easily.

But with the guy behind and with how much is in the pot I'd have to ship it. There's a couple of draws and we don't want a draw to hit the turn on this size of pot and have to be in a crap position.
Posted 8 years ago*
I can't get the hand to play but if memory serves, because shorty didn't have a full raise left, I was forced into a call. I'm not totally sure but I think that's how it went down.
Posted 8 years ago
I would just get it in on the turn now. It sucks if he has a flush or 76, but KK+ is unlikely, so we're up against TT,JJ and JT a good amount.

I think I prefer getting it in on the flop though. You should be well ahead of the shortstack's range which helps you out against the CO if the chips go in because of the extra dead money.