NL5z, J9o on BB

Posted 8 years ago

Would you have called his bet? his stats are 28/22/oo, but only over 19 hands
Was afraid of a FD

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05Zoom No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

Blinds $0.02/$0.056
UTG sinneruy $5
UTG+1 Annantares $5
CO joeadamsarg $5
D RFNP $5.05
SB judersy $7.15
BBHero $14.10
6$0.07Hero is BBJ9
3 folds, RFNP raises to $0.11, 1 fold, Hero calls$0.06
Hero checks, RFNP checks
Hero bets$0.11, RFNP raises to $0.30, Hero calls$0.19
Hero checks, RFNP bets $0.62, Hero folds
Final Pot $1.46
RFNP wins $1.43 (net +$0.40)
Hero lost$0.41

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Fold is correct in my opinon.Turn bet is ok you might get called with worse pairs.I don't think he's gonna raise turn bet with showdown value type hands.His raising range for value is so narrow here yet he might have 22 and Ax combinations too.In some cases he's gonna raise with his flush draws too.OTR fold is good.His bluffing range improved there.
Posted 8 years ago
I'd probably just fold the turn. The value bet is thin to begin with, you're basically targeting pairs lower than Jx or a Jx with a worse kicker (which are unlikely). Villain can have some slowplayed hands that have you drawing dead and the flush draw has ok equity against you. By calling turn you're almost forced to call a blank river bet too which is once again undesirable with such a weak hand.
Posted 8 years ago
As played I would fold the turn, but I think our hand can probably be checked again with the intention of calling at least once. I doubt you're making much EV by betting for value there.
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for the replies
Posted 8 years ago
I think this hand is much more likely a slow played Ace rather than a flush draw. People don't love to raise flush draws on paired boards. And from what I see show up here, I'd probably fold the turn, especially at 5nl.
Posted 8 years ago
+1 to folding turn. I'm also not a fan of flat calling this hand OOP,I would much rather include it in my three bet bluff range. When we reach the turn this way I don't mind betting out small but I think I prefer check calling this type of hand and then betting rivers if turn goes check check.